Greetings to all


New Metal Member
Apr 15, 2006
Hey im jack from leeds england (although i hope to be moving to finland in the next year) and i am 17 years old. my taste im music is purely metuhl :rock: and jaz really. i am into children of Bodom (except aydy), machine head (robb flyynn is the riffmaster), pre black album tallica (everything up till st anger is OK but kill em all and master are the works of art), slayer, cradle of filth (yes i have my black metuhl moments) and basically anything fast and agressive. i also play guitar dedicatedly and am in a casual band but i am leaving soon to find real musicians to work with and form a seriouus band. just need to find the ppl yet:P. my whole guitar education is basically the slayer and children of bodom back catalogues, so you can gues my style from there. anyways thanks for taking your time to read this and i hope to talk to some of you soon!
joeysmaggott666 said:
Hey im jack from leeds england (although i hope to be moving to finland in the next year) and i am 17 years old. my taste im music is purely metuhl :rock: and jaz really. i am into children of Bodom (except aydy), machine head (robb flyynn is the riffmaster), pre black album tallica (everything up till st anger is OK but kill em all and master are the works of art), slayer, cradle of filth (yes i have my black metuhl moments) and basically anything fast and agressive. i also play guitar dedicatedly and am in a casual band but i am leaving soon to find real musicians to work with and form a seriouus band. just need to find the ppl yet:P. my whole guitar education is basically the slayer and children of bodom back catalogues, so you can gues my style from there. anyways thanks for taking your time to read this and i hope to talk to some of you soon!

Greetings. You are PURELY metal.... and jazz in taste.... hmmm... interesting combo. Jazz and metal only. Oh and Cradle at most is only partly black metal (early stuff in particular). I think they would best be described as Goth metal with a black metal element in them.
Oh and Cradle at most is only partly black metal (early stuff in particular). I think they would best be described as Goth metal with a black metal element in them.

Yeh they are buit i do like some black metal (along the lines of goatwhore and nile) but i tend to stick more to the testament/tallica side of the dark stuff:P haha yeh .. love jazz soo much:) fun to just smoke a joint or drink a beer and chill out once in a while
joeysmaggott666 said:
Yeh they are buit i do like some black metal (along the lines of goatwhore and nile) but i tend to stick more to the testament/tallica side of the dark stuff:P haha yeh .. love jazz soo much:) fun to just smoke a joint or drink a beer and chill out once in a while

Um.... Nile is death metal.