

New Metal Member
Jun 27, 2017
Hello to everyone here!

I have been looking around for some kind of online metal community to be part of, and stumbled across this place and thought I'd give it a go.

I'm Petra, and I am definitely a heavy metal enthusiast. I've recently started playing guitar again after a few years of life being a bit too tumultuous to be truly dedicated to it.

Primarily I enjoy black and power metal. However, I'm into a lot of stuff, and can find common ground with pretty much any metalhead I come across.

My favorite bands are Agalloch and Pillorian, Blind Guardian, Death, Carach Angren, Hammerfall, Summoning, Amon Amarth, Cryptopsy, Elderwind, Mayhem, Woods of Ypres, and a ton of others.

Pleasure to make the acquaintance of any of you!