
Wow. Didn't really expect you to answer or anything but... Thanks for such warm welcome! :Spin: . I got the Nevermore's Dead Heart in a Dead World and it's quite adequate actually. The opening song Narcosynthesis is the best one, and the last one is somewhat good too... But the others, they're too... too... simple... for me... Really, they are.
Welcome bro!!!! Final Fantasy fuckin rules man, but 7 is better than 8 in my opinion, as you may be able to tell by my avatar :p
The Final Fantasy series is almost perfect. Every game is a virtual voyage on it's own. FF VII is prolly the best but the others have their moments too. Like FF VIII:s opening movie...

BTW, I bought the Spiral Architect cd yesterday... Kinda... odd... And quite technical, really... Zero Hour is better, IMO, than Nevermore. But, in general, the music doesn't HAVE to be very technical to appeal to me, but it's a... a good thing. You know...
Spiral Architect is one of my fav' bands aswell as Zero Hour! I got them together on the same day. Spiral Architect is alot more technical than Zero Hour (even tho ZH is one of the most technical prog bands out)
Jagge: DHiaDW is probably nevermore's "simplest" album. You should really listen to the drumming on it, some of the finest metal drumming offered by Van Williams. Warell also sounds his best on this record too. My favorite songs off it are The River Dragon has Come, Engines of Hate, The Sound of Silence (quite insane if you ask me), and Dead Heart in a Dead World. I really think you should listen to it some more before you pass judgement. My favorite of theirs is Politics of Ecstacy. Thrash and prog mixed extremely well, Music and lyrics are amazing. Check that one out.

Grom: You can find Conception albums at or

Zero Hour and Spiral Architect are at
Ok... Never said Nevermore was bad and admittably the drumming is well done to say the least... It really is somewhat good and I got the Politics of Ecstacy too. Thrashy, really. Not much to my likeness... But good too. In some circumstances.

Zero Hour=great lyrics, singing, great playing. Melodic, in a progressive way...

Guess I should too make a list of my fav albums.... Just for the hell of it... And a little explain my music interests, and why even Helloween and Blind Guardian are high on my list... So be on lookout for it sometime in the future...