Greyscale – When The Ghosts Are Gone


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Greyscale – When The Ghosts Are Gone
Sound Riot SRP 16 10th June 2002
By Russell Garwood

Greyscale are a gothic metal six piece from Finland, who recently released their debut album through Sound Riot. Due to a permanent keyboard player, Jenni Hytönen, the music has an epic feel, often with synths and violins in the background, helped by predominantly clean vox (Lasse Harma). Occasional rawer (but still tuneful) vocals are provided by guitarist Miika Partonen, adding a harsher edge to an otherwise polished sound. The guitars of Miika and Matti Hämäläinen are meoldic and catchy, with occasional wistful acoustics add atmosphere. The bass, while by no means prominent, provides a good low end, and the drums are simplistic yet powerful.

This reasonably accessible, very catchy and memorable album will appeal to most gothic metal and select melodic doom fans, and is a good release. I have reservations however; the songs share a common formula and the music can lack variation, making the album feel boring at times. This usually occurs when the melodies are at their less catchy, and the main theme of a song has been repeated numerous times. This said, “When The Ghosts Are Gone” is still an impressive release from a relatively new band. Standout tracks such as opener “The World Today”, “The Dead Season”, “Shape In The Shadows” and the title track prove the band can write emotive, complex songs. If they continue to develop I look forward very much to hearing future work. The production on this release is excellent, helping emphasize Greyscale’s catchy melodies and layered sound. A solid release..