Grid aligning - tempo stretching DI's - SONAR


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
Hi, first of all, DON'T HIT ME.:ill: I've read all kinds of interesting threads here and in other forums and even crap tutorials :waah: about the subject but... which is THE correct way to do this in SONAR? i don't think i get the audiosnap thing AT ALL i swear... i don't mind if the most accurate way is hiper time consuming or nothing, i just need to know the way you guys consider the better, 'cause recently i've been mostly doing manual cuts - stretchs- crossfades and shit, i used to prefer perfect takes, no matter how difficult or in a last instance use overdubbing... but... this looks interesting. (apart from fun)

thanks for yer times dudes

ps. Reaper devs, i'm not moving to yer daw till i've got fucking freeze in a click! or maybe till you like... teach me how to do it avoiding that weird like... new track thing with frozen tracks in... or something.
hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i have no audio right now at work but this made me lol xD
well, due to bitchslapping, i'll just have my protools-friend give me his chair and consider upgrading... i'm kind'a gathering these kind of things so when i make an investment i can remember all these facts.

*/edit/* *cough!* audioFREAKINsnap remains a mistery. */edit/*
I'm trying to learn more about audiosnap as well. I have used it to move around some kick/snare hits, but I would really like to learn how to actually quantize drums to the grid. I've also never understood the whole "pool" thing in audiosnap.

If anyone can elaborate it would be awesome!
Hi, first of all, DON'T HIT ME.:ill: QUOTE]


LOL, just kidding dude.

Sorry....had a lot of sugar today.
haha xD yeah it's just that i don't get that pool thing either, it's like this thing where transient markers go and then........... then.. nothing! i dunno, i want it for guitar track aligning so... guess it'd be a bit different from drum grid-aligning...
all right my friends!!!

1)what i do is set the sensativity and threshold all the way to the right
2)start going through your kick hits and enable a marker right at the start of the hit.
now for every marker you enable for the kick you have to enable for every other drum track in the same spot
and when you have fills make sure to set markers before and after each tom bass and snare hit and then line them
3)now that the sun has risen again you can go to audiosnap pallet and quantize to what ever the drums timings in. i have alot of luck with quarter and 8th
4)audiosnap is still not great so some minor things are still gonna be off but you can select the transient marker and line it up and your good to go.
5)once your completely satisfied with it select all right click bounce to clips and there ya have it

now go make your own computer technologies, get out of the house and go do it :0

for your technology
Hit me up on MSN if you are still struggling with this, I've finally figured out almost all of Audiosnap. Its quite powerful but VERY badly documented so its hard to know wtf to do.

underscore_ (at) hotmail (dot) com
nice! I'll be testing this out soon on some of my sloppy drumming :)

You are spot on....audiosnap is very poorly documented. I've read the audiosnap section in the sonar manual a few times, but it seems to detail everything except what I want to know haha.

I did find one helpful link. It was someone giving an in depth review of sonar on harmony central. I would post it, but I'm unable because I rely on my phone for internet. It is worth doing a google search though....lots of great info.
Hit me up on MSN if you are still struggling with this, I've finally figured out almost all of Audiosnap. Its quite powerful but VERY badly documented so its hard to know wtf to do.

underscore_ (at) hotmail (dot) com

thanks a lot man, i appreciatte it, i'll surely do it after work! 'bout damn time (i swear i'm useless if i'm left alone with it, i just stand in front of it all and... just... ¯\(°_o)/¯ )
Anyone knows how to keep Sonar/Audiosnap from stretching Audio automatically when there are tempo changes ? Or am I setting the tempo up the wrong way ? So I have to import and work on different tempi seperately.
yeah i've been doing some research and it's like everyone seems to just get it right and the tutorials are something like 'YOU GOTTA MAKE IT WORK, AND MAKE IT WORK AWESOME' but no step-by-step-for-the-boobhead-mixers. =(

Here is the link to the review I mentioned earlier. This has helped me tremendously with audiosnap! Just read through the first 3 or 4 pages....tons of great info!
