Drumagog MIDI input with Sonar 6... how?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I'm trying to get Drumagog to accept MIDI input, as I don't use Sup2 or DFHS, etc. but I still program my drums, but with my own samples. Atm I have to put the MIDI into Sonar's StudioDrummer (forget the exact name) program to get audio and then put THAT into Drumagog which takes forever and is a lot harder to edit velocities. Is there a way to put MIDI into Drumagog in Sonar 6 Producer's Edition? I'm thinking that there isn't as I think only Sonar 7 can put outputs into plugins (which is also a pain with sidechaining).
Is your drumagog plugin vst or direct-x? I don't have drumagog (wish I did) so I can't really help a whole lot, but if it's a vst, run the vst configurator thing, and search for drumagog in the list of plugs that comes up, click on the properties for it, and there should be an option saying something like "enable as synth" or some fucking shit. That should take care of it. I've had a few plugins that didn't seem to accept midi all because they weren't "enabled as synths".

Also, check cakewalk.com for updates. I remember having a bitch of a time with Sonar 5 trying to get KTdrum trigger to output midi so I could replace some drums (my broke ass ain't got drumagog), and after tons of headaches and searching to see if it was possible, I found an update/patch thing that made it possible, and pretty much saved the day.
Right, done that. Now do I have the MIDI file in an audio track, or a MIDI track? If its in an Audio track then I put Drumagog as an insert there, but that doesn't seem to be working. If its in a MIDI track, I can't put Drumagog as an insert... what do I do?