Grind Anyone?

I get into a good bit of grind. Definatley get pig destroyer's a prowler in the yard. very very good and psycho. the new rotten sound fucking rules. dont like nasum much. cephalic carnage is amazing. just wait til you hear the new one :). Origin is good too, and from i've heard so far the new one is going to destroy all. phobia is cool, and skinless is alright. exhumed (some grind parts) is good too. you ever heard of a band called catheter? they are from denver Colorado,just put their record out. i'll find the label and post it. they are fuckin awesome.
Is Necrophagia considered Grind, or DM, or Goremetal?

I get confused... I know there's heavy shit I like, heavy shit I don't like, and shit that's not heavy that I hate... :lol:

Yes.Go buy "Nadir" by said band and lose all feeling in both ears.
Its the most I ever threw up and it changed my life forever.
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
Rotten Sound are great, but to me Nasum are untouchable... just my opinion though.
Did you find Catheter's details? I'm intrigued now...

See, now i just feel like i'm missing somethign with nasum. I have human 2.0 and i dunno. it just doesn't grab me for some reason.
Catheter is from Colorado. They just released their album on six weeks. the album is called preamble to oblivion. there are actually a lot of grind bands out here in colorado and New Mexico. Ever heard of Laughing Dog or noisear?
Originally posted by The Wanderer
See, now i just feel like i'm missing somethign with nasum. I have human 2.0 and i dunno. it just doesn't grab me for some reason.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess - I like grindcore that's really punishing, with productions where the drums and vocals almost, but not quite, completely drown out everything else, but with clinically precise, shredding and fairly catchy riffs. That's my take on Nasum...

Catheter is from Colorado. They just released their album on six weeks. the album is called preamble to oblivion. there are actually a lot of grind bands out here in colorado and New Mexico. Ever heard of Laughing Dog or noisear?

Nope, never - I've lost track of the grind scene a bit recently... too many gore-centric death metal bands coming in to review, I guess! Hmmm... remember that feature Terrorizer did on black metal bands in Texas? I'm sort of considering doing one like that for UM now, only on grind in Colorado... wonder if the bands would be interested?