
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Nik, you know I loves my grind as much as you do, how did I know it was you? the link to your CD list gave you away, hahahahahaha

*thinks to self: "damn, and here I was hoping it'd be a chance to recruit for my grind band"*
hey fellas, I had a feeling there'd be people I know on here.....

Sexpo was a riot, plenty of kinky leather-freaks and cross-dressers buying womens lingerie.....and plenty of hotties coming in looking at the products, and I'm standing there all like: :D "....and these ones over here are all crotch-less...."
'twas mighty funny. Didn't see any urethras getting chopstick-fucked though, that was my own sick imagination>>

Koichi, what grind bands are you into?
Hey Nik, when and where were you at Sexpo? went there on saturday evening with Leah and some friends, did you manage to see the Marquis De Sade show?

mmmmmmmmmm, flames :hotjump: :hotjump:
Koichi said:
Dying Fetus
Pig Destroyer
Discordance Axis
Fuck I'm Dead
Abaddon Incarnate
The Bezerker
You really need to check out Pigsty if you haven't already ;)

Nakuth: I worked there on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the "Australia Sexy Lingerie" stand which was up the back near the Chevy's and cafeterias. I was there until about 11:30 on Saturday night.....but maybe you weren't shopping for lingerie or leather gear and walked straight past the stand!!
Didn't get to see many shows coz that was when we went on cigarette/food breaks, coz it's less busy then. I did get to see the Penthouse Pet of the Year doing this whole get-topless-in-a-giant-champagne-glass-and-pour-champagne-all-over-yourself routine which was quite entertaining :D
Chopstick up the Peehole said:
Didn't get to see many shows coz that was when we went on cigarette/food breaks, coz it's less busy then. I did get to see the Penthouse Pet of the Year doing this whole get-topless-in-a-giant-champagne-glass-and-pour-champagne-all-over-yourself routine which was quite entertaining :D

you lucky, lucky bastard! I was hoping to see that show, and dude, I apologise, I must of walked right past ya, we went through that stand, but hell, thats what happens when ya meet someone then don't see em for a month odd, hey!
is that kill mini the re-release by Dreaded Records? You can pick up a copy from Dreaded themselves or just burn yourself a copy as thats pretty much all it is anyway...

Nik, your avatar gave you away instantly
That would be helpful and all if I had a credit card ot some way to pay online.

Thanks anyhow Unkle, I may ask impact to order it in if they don't have ti today