grindcore band (only bass+drums+vocal)


Aug 29, 2010
hi guys. I'm mixing such a band now and I have a problem with the sound of the bass. The guys want it to sound more or less like this: In my mix the bass sounds much thinner. How to achieve such sound? Any tips?
There is no vocal now. What you can hear consists of midi drums + the regular bass (3 tracks = DI,light distortion, heavy distortion) + 2 bass tracks instead of guitars (guitar amp simulation + some compression + eq)
seems that you have to destroy sound with distortion.
1st bass should be pure sub/ bass area, rest ... distortion.
Try some fuzz type pedal distortion simulations too.
thx for advice. I've removed the file and I'm introducing some changes. I will upload a new version in a moment.
Well, you got clunky distorted bass, but reference band had fuzzy mids (what I heard on laptop, because I'm not at home).
If you are using this clunky tone check some peaks around 900 - 2k they are pretty sharp FOR MY TASTE.
If you want to achieve similar tone maybe try even distort (to the max) low passed (cut out that clunk hi-end) to get near flat fuzz. Just go nuts. But I'm guessing bass has some kind fuzz guitar pedal (like fuzz face type, big muff)

Actually you got me intrigued about such band formation, if you don't mind I would like to ask you RAW tracks, to try out some ideas my self.
The bass in my opinion sounds like if it where midi programed + that ugly distortion= sounds like the plugin slayer of fruity loops.
You need a lot more of low end to sound similar to spasm guys. - That's probably the final version because the guys have to stick to their deadline but I will re-record them at the end of this year. The drums will be natural (now they are programmed). I still can change some things and I'm open to suggestions. If there aren't any, I will stick to the uploaded version. I will try to prepare stems later and I will send you a PM.