Grip Inc: We never split up.

Officer Friendly

Mar 9, 2004
GRIP INC. guitarist Waldemar Sorychta recently spoke to Denmark's Metal Reference about the four-year break between the band's current release, "Incorporated", and its predecessor, 1999's "Solidify". Asked about the Internet reports that the band had split up, Waldemar said, "We hadn't split up. There were many rumors about GRIP INC. following the last record. That we were unable to get along in the band. That we felt sorry for ourselves because the album failed to sell, although it actually did. None of these rumors were true, but I won't lie to you. Every band experiences conflicts, and so did we. When a band has been together for more than 10 years, conflicts must come your way, and they certainly did. Some of us had problems with each others, but we never split up. As a journalist, you probably experience that yourself. You're having a conflict a colleague, and you feel like quitting your job, but you don't. The members of GRIP INC. enjoy playing the same music though living in three different parts of the world and coming from three different musical backgrounds. I've been involved with other projects, but GRIP INC. really rewards me with a certain feeling. The other members feel the same way. Every album is a victory, and we don't want to miss that. So bringing back this rumor about splitting up. As I said. Every band will face problems, and so did we. However. This was not the reason that GRIP INC. took a break. We had to be very sure that we really wanted to do this record, and we finally wanted that last year. We were really intent on doing an album together. If you're not excited about going into a studio and doing a record, then there's no reason to doing so. If you're feeling are not into it, then you'd better stay away from a studio."

With regards to when he knew that it was time to make a new GRIP INC. album, Waldemar said, "[It happened] last year, [when] Dave [Lombardo] came on tour [to Germany] with FANTOMAS, and I went to see them... it was just across the street, and it was in fact the first time in 10 years that I saw him playing with someone else than my band, and it felt very, very strange to my... but it also made me feel that I wanted to start something up again. I suddenly wanted to continue with GRIP INC. again. That was the best thing that we could have done, coz the new album is better than something, we could have done 10 years ago"
Got this CD yesterday -- that song Skin Trade pulled my in by the arse and beat the shit out of me. Awesome, totally awesome...Talk about a classic Grip song, everything about this reminds me of the best of Power of Inner Strength.

Sorychta's leads from CD to CD are similar, alot like Jeff Waters', but cause I love it, doesn't sound stale to me.

On the whole, the CD isn't as good as their other efforts, some weak sounding tunes, but there are some gems, like The Gift. IMO, it's an English version of Rammstein played by real fuckin' musicians who know how to shit and git.