Gromen's thoughts on "Poetry for the Poisoned"

I'd do just about anything to see Inquistor performed.. it was the first Kamelot song that I really & truly just ADORED and it still gives me poose gimples every time I listen to it...

I'm just so excited I get to see them on the ProgPower stage....
The Inquisitor? I'm surprised that song's getting so much love. It's slow and plodding and not very melodic. I always thought Shadow of Uther and Fourth Legacy were the songs fans loved the most on that album.
Friday night headliner, KAMELOT has posted on their MySpace "a medley from some of the songs from our upcoming “Poetry For The Poisoned” album for everyone to enjoy!"

Its awful that the record company can't let this out a few days early, yet it leaked 2 weeks early and they lose so many sales to the illegal downloaders. And they wonder why the industry is in shambles...
So you're saying its been out longer? I just saw it today, but then again I don't usually go looking on a regular basis
Very interesting. So leaked cd's have approximate leak dates? I have considered joining the download brigade since my iPod is all old stuff, but I'm afraid that my purchasing will slow to a crawl while my downloading will become out of control and the bands will lose money while I become a cyber fugitive from justice....oh the tragedy of it all!