
The snare seems really buried at parts. I like your guitar tone, its pretty ballsy, mind sharing your settings/chain?
Yeah sure. Damn lets see.

Two tracks of 8505 panned hard left and right with s-preshigh and ABG's cab enhancer and TSS. Then two tracks panned 75/75 with soloc slightly lower in the mix with some different impulses, a framus and an engl I believe. Each track was individually eqed, and there was some more eq, a C4, and a high and lo pass on the guitar bus.
WERD, and what are you referring to when you say TSS? I'm pretty sure its tube screamer something but is it a specific program?
Yeah I actually had started recording the album awhile ago, but deleted the DIs for some songs after creating new files with distortion applied:rolleyes:

So to keep a consistent tone I just used it for all the songs.

I don't have Slate so I just have to make do with what I can find on here. Not to mention I'm terrible at finding drum sounds that sit well in the mix. Any tips on what I could do to improve the overall mix through drums?
I updated the mix with much better drums, I think this is definitely the best one yet.

What do you guys think? Good enough for the rest of the CD?