Need help, criticize my mix.

The performance is great. but mixing wise, i do have a few pointers.
Guitar Rhythms sound good. But during the ending. the lead part needs to be miore punchy and more mids needed for that part, or maybe a 4 db level boost.

Drumkit, snare and kick need to have more presence. too much room with the kick drum, snare needs to have more attack, more resonance maybe or just bit more crisp.
Kick definitely needs to be a lot more in front.

Overheads sound fine. dont increase cymbals level.
Vocals, fit in well, but if you are carrying out the above changes. they will havto come up in level to be heard.

i would also recommend a good mastering job to get the various EQ bands more differentiated and cleaner.
try a multiband compressor too on the highs. might make the mix sparkle a lot more. in my opinion if you dont have the budget to buy a multiband compressor, logic pro default multipressor is good enough.

hope this helped a bit
Thanks man, definitely helped alot. It's great to have some fresh ears listen to this shit.
Much better.

Now just level changes are needed. kick level, 1-2dB less. Snare, sounds a lot like kick, need a snare with more punch and attack/brightness.

otherwise, u pretty much nailed it.
Thanks so much man, you've been a great help to me. I'm sure I'll be able to find something.