My Latest Mix (song I wrote for my band)

mix is nice and clear right now. Bass... I think there is one in here somewhere, but it sounds like it has a really clean tone so it isn't blending with the guitars at all. if you could dirty up the bass a bit, it would fill out the guitars better. it is probably too low in the mix as well, as well as the cymbals. The hi-hat is coming through clearly but I can barely tell if you are playing any other cymbals. but if I were to pick one thing on this song to focus on, it'd be the bass tone right now.
mix is nice and clear right now. Bass... I think there is one in here somewhere, but it sounds like it has a really clean tone so it isn't blending with the guitars at all. if you could dirty up the bass a bit, it would fill out the guitars better. it is probably too low in the mix as well, as well as the cymbals. The hi-hat is coming through clearly but I can barely tell if you are playing any other cymbals. but if I were to pick one thing on this song to focus on, it'd be the bass tone right now.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the bass. It's because I don't have an actual bass guitar so that was all programmed with this free program called 4Front. And then I put that through Amplitube 3 through the 5150 sim and a bass cab. It would sound dirtier if I could get a better bass vsti.

I'll check that other stuff you mentioned later.

Thanks for commenting though!

EDIT: I see what you're talking about with the cymbals. I have a different track for the hihat and cymbals, so the fix should be easy.
every element sounds very clear and very much has its own space.

I am not exactly sure what type of style you are exactly going for though (just because I do not listen to much like this)
every element sounds very clear and very much has its own space.

I am not exactly sure what type of style you are exactly going for though (just because I do not listen to much like this)

I'm trying to get something like this:

Jay Maas, the guy who produced this, has become a pretty big influence on my mixing style as of late.
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