grown ups are so lame


Aug 2, 2002
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there is like 8 inches of snow outside! and i work in this building with like 100 other people and only ONE DUDE other than me wanted to go outside and haev a snowball fight and go surfing on the snow in the street.

bunch of joykillers.

dammit! why don't snowball fight people live in NYC! and there is just nothing wrong with running down 23rd street yelling "SURF'S UP DOODZ!!!' and sliding.

i totally pegged this dude in the back of the head with a snowball from almost 1/2 a block away!
during my senior year a friend of mine was walking down the stairs from the cafe/mailroom and found herself being pegged left and right by snowballs onl to find out she had walked in between opposing sides of a snowball fight between the members of the basketball team. They said:

"you can't walk into the middle of a battlefield and not expect to get hit."
yellow snow yellow snow!!!!

that reminds me of when i was little and my dad used to give me a little cup of maple syrup and i would go outside and pour it on the snow and then eat the snow. and this neighbor thought i was eating dog pee snow and he ran over and yelled at me.
There was a snowball fight inside my dorm last night. And some guys brought a garbage bag full of snow inside and dumped it on some unsuspecting girl on the stairs. We had 3 or 4 inches in all, making this already the biggest snowfall in the past 3 years. I hope this is a sign for things to come this winter.
I miss snow :( It hardly ever snows out here in Cali. And if it does snow, its gone by early the next day. I'm lucky if it snows once a year where I am.. I miss living in MA.. I think I need to move back :(