Grudge - Forgiveness


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Grudge - Forgiveness
7N Music - 2001
By Rodrigo


Just like Eve to Adam, Grudge is another band I had no idea what they were about. So I start reading the bio that came with the album and to my unhappy surprise, Grudge are classified as a "nu-metal" band. Right away, I knew that listening to Forgiveness, their debut album, was going to be a chore. It’s nothing that I have against these bands, I just do not like their music. All these bands play simple songs destined to be radio hits and they offer no diversity, originality, creativity or complexity. Grudge is just another band hoping to cash in on the popularity of this genre and I am sure plenty of people will flock to them but not me.

The main problem I have with Forgiveness is the music. The overall sound is heavy and distorted and I guess Grudge thinks that by having the sound like this will make them stand out and be "heavier" than others. Unfortunately, they have failed miserably. Not only is the sound simply annoying but the guitars (Richard Candelaria) drown out every other instrument. How is it that I can barely hear the drums at times? Another complaint is that all the songs sound the same. It doesn’t matter that you play the chords in a different rhythm or somewhere else on the guitar, they are simply rehashing their own music throughout the album. Can a band be sued for plagiarizing their own work?

My second problem is the singing by Gerrick Philips is downright horrible. Mostly he tries to sing and not rap like other bands of this genre but occasionally the rap comes out and that is enough to just make me press the skip button and go to the next song. Thankfully, just like the drums are difficult to hear, the vocals also go through the same problem and that is a blessing in disguise. Finally, what is up with the lame lyrics and song titles? I think just by the song titles like "Suck Factor" and "Pissed Sick" you can imagine what wonderful themes are talked about.

By now you might be asking yourself, is there anything good about Forgiveness? Well, maybe the album cover but that’s it. This album doesn’t deserve the attention of any metal fans. Leave this album to the kids who gobble this music and think it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. Avoid this album like the plague.
Wow, you street team members really do work hard for your posters and shit these days, don't you? I mean, hunting down a seven-year-old review and signing up to the site that hosts it to argue against the judgement rendered? That's some dedication right there. Kudos to you.
Wellllll.....maybe they think the sound has come back "in vogue" and that people over the last 7 years has "evolved" (you know, dumbed down) and now get that constant cussing in lyrics is coooool!
500%? Lol, yeah right. And don't lie and say that it's hard work. It may not be easy, all the time, but most people play music because they enjoy it. If doing something you enjoy is really such a chore, we might as well all be dead.