GTA Vice City - VROCK


May 14, 2003
Sydney, Australia
This weekend I was playing the computer game GTA Vice City and one of the Radio stations you could select while in a vehicle is VROCK, well thanks to the game I had the pleasure of hearing for the first time 2 brilliant guitar players for their time. First was Randy Rhoads. 'The track was Come On Feel The Noise' (Quiet Riot). I had perviously only read about him but never heard his music. The other one was Steve Lynch (Autograph) and the track was 'Turn Up The Radio'.

Wonder if we'll ever hear a Sympony X classic on a game like that.
I have it for the PC so I just put songs I like, Symph X and all that metal into a folder called like MP3 and it turns into a brand new radio station with the songs you put in it. It's quite cool.
I think the best part of Vrock was David Lee Roths song Yankee Rose. The first time I heard it, I thought: "Gee, that guitarist sure does sound a LOT like Steve Vai..." Once I found out it really WAS Vai, my appreciation for Rockstar Games went sky-high. :grin:
Ah yes... theres nothing quite like driving around running people over and making a getaway from the cops while listening to Iron Maiden and Judas Priest :). Honestly, even if i did have a PC version (PS2 player over here), I dont think Id want to use my own mp3s, since half the fun of listening to the VC radio is the banter in between songs (which is why I also listened to KChat a lot, funny shit).
Julz said:
First was Randy Rhoads. 'The track was Come On Feel The Noise' (Quiet Riot).
That's not Randy Rhoads, It's Carlos Cavazo on guitar. Randy left Quiet Riot to join Ozzy in 1979. That particular song is from 1983's Metal Health. It was a huge hit back then, as well as Autograph's Turn Up the Radio...
Demonspell said:
If someone ever made a game with a progressive metal soundtrack, I'd buy it for sure...I'd do it myself I had enough graphic design expertise.
Yeah, the prog metal soundtrack would fit adventure game genre ala Broken Sword very well...
Manga-San said:
Slayer's "Raining Blood" is also played on VRock...
I remember being chased by the cops on a motorbike shooting down and running over pedestrians on the beach while listening to that song on Vrock. :grin: :rock:
OfSinsAndShred said:
You haven't heard Randy Rhodes before? You poor soul. Go buy a bunch of Ozzy. Randy was like the only mainstream neoclassical player, such a cool style.

I was thinking the exact same thing. I didn't think there was anyone in the metal community who hadn't at least heard "Crazy Train".

Go out and buy "Blizzard of Oz" and "Diary of a Madman" right now! Those are the only 2 albums (sadly) featuring the late Randy Rhoads. Just awesome works, both of them!