Guerilla flame thread...




I FINALLY found it (mainly for my own amusement) ... and please, don't try to figure out just how little of a life I have that I spent about an hour searching through all the old threads on this board to find that ... but my fourth attempt at a license test is in a few hours and my nerves are making me feel insanely ill and I needed the amusement.

The end.
I guess he was just tired of ledmag and all of the 14 year-old cunts ... Even though ledmag is MIA and we're 17 year-old cunts now ... Delayed reaction, much?

Oh yeah, and ... I failed again. I guess it's just that I'm already really unobservant of the little things, and when I'm nervous it's worse, and the little things add up on things like a driver's license test, and ... yeah. So, I still have no driver's license. Drop to your knees and thank your God for his mercy, Marylanders.
Now that is an entertaining thread, too bad I don't think I had even heard of Nevermore at that point. It looks like I missed out on some funny times.
Chromatose said:
he got hit by a train, it happens to all neverboarders at some point
... or a Smurfwagon.

Sorry, I just had to revivie that joke. It can go die now. Maybe.

Didn't that EtherealSadness chick get hit by a train/lie about having a brain tumour and throw herself in front of a train?
Random Beard said:
I was hit by a train yesterday. I'm fine, but I hope the passengers are ok.
... you sure it wasn't just a pick-up truck being driven through your local mall?
Karmic said:
will wasnt too great at defending himself back then

he'd always pull a laughing emoticon
... but then look at my posts ... I typed like this,w/out using ne puntcuation & just waited 4 FamousAmos to type sumthing so I could reply w/my remakrs,they were totally,religion sucks.And I always started threads about what the people around me were doing,lmao.