Guess its high time I learn some arpeggios [and tapping?].....

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
Cuz Im awful at them... just terrible. I can pull some decent runs here and there... Im getting more acquainted with fucked up chords and scales... but I've got fuck all for arps and tapping...

Anybody know some useful exercises or technique for getting acquainted with this style? Preferably some online vids and that sort of thing. I've seen some Gilbert vids and taken useful info out of that... but I just gotta pick up stuff on taps and arps specifically right now.

Thx in advance, bros.
Wintersun - Death and the Healing, 134 BPM








Start off slow-whateveryoucando, depending on your current skill level. Make DAMNED sure to practice picking every note absolutely cleanly, and getting your fingering right. With thingies like these, I tend to bar the whole board from the 7th fret on the low e, and let up as you progress. I can't really point you in any proper direction as far as DVD lessons go, I learned my own way (bad thing to do, took me a while to get sweeps down.)

Though I will suggest you check out some Symphony X solo work by Michael Romeo.. Sea of Lies have some good easy tap-sweep runs. Also, get Smoke and Mirrors, that'll help a lot.


Good luck, brotha
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Cool, Ill check this out. Its just not a technique I really ever got around to fucking with
Literally the only thing you can do is start super slow. I tried finding ways around it forever, but once I realized that if I go slow as fuck and turn the metronome up by 2 a day, it's much faster than looking for short cuts.
Start practicing some major and minor shapes at a comfortable speed. Push the pick through the strings rather than strumming through them. Once your comfortable then try tapping out various extensions.

Slowly work on some economy picking runs. They really helped my right and left hand synchronization.
I basically played the ending/outro solo from Selkies : The Endless Obsession (Between the Buried and Me), starting by playing it slow, and the speeding it up, and that's basically how I learnt to sweep pick good, and learnt how to incorporate tapping into sweep picked arpeggios.
There's lot of crazy 6 string patterns, all sorts of crazy taps put into the sweeps, but to be honest, I found just knowing a lot of the "normal" 3 and 5 string shapes was more than enough. The 6 string sweeps and crazy taps put into them is cool, but hardly necessary IMO.
Take some lessons from Rusty :lol: Sorry J...just couldn't resist. ;)

heh .. why so J can learn how to not play with feel and emotion and just plan random bullshit arpeggios cause he can ... just like Rusty?

I took 2 lessons with the guy when I lived in Houston, those were the 2 worst lessons I have ever taken in my life. He has that "my way" or you are doing it wrong mentality.
heh .. why so J can learn how to not play with feel and emotion and just plan random bullshit arpeggios cause he can ... just like Rusty?

I took 2 lessons with the guy when I lived in Houston, those were the 2 worst lessons I have ever taken in my life. He has that "my way" or you are doing it wrong mentality.

Was just a joke...knowing we share the same sentiments about Rusty. (and apparently so do you ;)) Don't even get me started. :lol:
Honestly don't know where he's teaching these days or what he's up to (mainly from a lack of interest :lol:) unless I get some email updates from mutual friends.
Yeah I forgot about that. Didnt remember discussing that wank.

Surprised there's other Houston guys on here. You've probably seen me around at some point.

Jason, no I dont think I've got any email of yours, Ill just PM you one I've got.