Guess Slipknot is currently biggest influence eh!?

Originally posted by Everlost
.. but Slipknot? Come on.. it's not AWFUL

I dunno... just because a band wants to play something different. Then again, there are still people proclaiming that X band's Yth album is the pinnacle of metal and that they should make the same album again and again and again.


If you want another abducted, then go buy yourself a second copy.

So what if it has the dreaded slightly rythmic choppy guitar playing in it. As far as i can tell, it still has tremelo picked parts, heavy drumming, a decent dollop of double bass drumming and a good amount of peter's vocals. It still sounds like hypocrisy doesn't it? Now, if they'd all cut their hair short, started wearing baggy trousers and rapping, then I'd get worried. But they haven't.

And I do not get where the slipknot accusations come from. Besides, if they'd kept on making obsculum obscenum over and over again, then we wouldn't have had the self titled, the 4th dimension or abducted.

Basically I like the fact that every hypocrisy album is different, and I liked catch22, maybe not as much as the others, but then again I didn't like into the abyss :) , musical variation is the spice of life, and the fact i can see an evolution in their music is damn cool.
I do have catch 22 and I do like some of the songs on them. But you have to admit that the change in style from abyss to Catch 22 is dramatic. I'm not saying it's all bad but such a change can be a bit of a shock and almost to much to take in all at once. What's important to me is that the emotion is still there. As long as the music still makes sense and it doesn't degrade to simple tunes that are just about "Everyone hates me so fuck you all" then I'm happy. Some of the riffs sound very unlike Hypocrisy and that did bother me some. But hey as long as it's heavy and gives me that warm fuzzy violent feeling. Fucking rock on!!:rock:
I think Catch 22 is the worst album of Hypocrisy. I don´t like "Hypocrisy" too, but the rest albums are great.
This influences from Slipknot are taken but without the heavy sound of the band I think.

I hope the next album will return to the typical sound of Hypocrisy and I hope too that Peter will leave the experiment for Pain.

Hypocrisy is my favorite band since "Osculum Obscenum" album (my favorite album of all I´ve heard) and "Catch 22" was a punch in my face. Hypocrisy had a personal sound than I think they has fucked.

uuuu... This is only my personal opinion, no more (or less). ;)

See yaaaa!! :grin:
I don't care much....Catch 22 is below on my Hypocrisy list. Just because I think their other stuff is perfect, doesn't make Catch 22 shitty, it's just good stuff, but it could be better. :o
Originally posted by Liandrin
As long as hypocrisy will sound a little lite hypocrisy they can go at either direction i think. But when they start using 3 drummers and screaming and mixing just like slipknot then i'm out of here!

Damn man where have you been?:spin:
I think you guys are forgetting how many of our favorite metal bands do claim that they enjoy Slipknot ( I've heard rumor that they're no longer together? ) In Flames, Soilwork, and yes dear Hypocrisy has claimed them as bands they enjoy.

But so what? We all listen to different shit, and as you can see on any Hypocrisy or In Flames album, they have nothing to do with Slipknot and you can tell it's still the goodness we've come to expect from the bands.

And anyone that doesn't think Catch 22 is heavy, might want to listen again. I found it more heavy than Abducted...

Unless you're the type of person that expects a band to put out the same record again and again...
Freddy Krueger said:
I think you guys are forgetting how many of our favorite metal bands do claim that they enjoy Slipknot ( I've heard rumor that they're no longer together? ) In Flames, Soilwork, and yes dear Hypocrisy has claimed them as bands they enjoy.

But so what? We all listen to different shit, and as you can see on any Hypocrisy or In Flames album, they have nothing to do with Slipknot and you can tell it's still the goodness we've come to expect from the bands.

And anyone that doesn't think Catch 22 is heavy, might want to listen again. I found it more heavy than Abducted...

Unless you're the type of person that expects a band to put out the same record again and again...

Hypocrisy didn't say they like Soilwork, Peter said he did. The other 2 members don't care for them. In Flames and Soilwork suck...

Anyways, I like Catch 22.
Freddy Krueger said:
You misread what I posted. I said that bands like Soilwork, In Flames, and Hypocrisy has named Slipknot as a band they enjoy.

No I didn't, I said that Hypocrisy didn't say they like Slipknot, just Peter did...and I also said that In Flames and Soilwork suck, so who cares about what they have to say.