I dunno... just because a band wants to play something different. Then again, there are still people proclaiming that X band's Yth album is the pinnacle of metal and that they should make the same album again and again and again.
If you want another abducted, then go buy yourself a second copy.
So what if it has the dreaded slightly rythmic choppy guitar playing in it. As far as i can tell, it still has tremelo picked parts, heavy drumming, a decent dollop of double bass drumming and a good amount of peter's vocals. It still sounds like hypocrisy doesn't it? Now, if they'd all cut their hair short, started wearing baggy trousers and rapping, then I'd get worried. But they haven't.
And I do not get where the slipknot accusations come from. Besides, if they'd kept on making obsculum obscenum over and over again, then we wouldn't have had the self titled, the 4th dimension or abducted.
Basically I like the fact that every hypocrisy album is different, and I liked catch22, maybe not as much as the others, but then again I didn't like into the abyss

, musical variation is the spice of life, and the fact i can see an evolution in their music is damn cool.