Guess the amp, even though you will fail.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage. tone idea.mp3

Double tracked. Oh and the bass is an SX jazz 5 string going into a BBE Bmax solid state pre with the sonic max on.

Then I copied the track and high passed it up to 500 and dirtied the highs on another track.

But yeah, guess what amp I was using for that guitar tone (again, raw I only high passed up to 100Hz to get rid of some of the mud, honestly they still need a little post eq, just wanted to show everyone the tone).
And tell me if you think it sucks as well :lol:

But there's no need to tell that. :) So thanks for posting, now my night is ruined and I feel depressed when searching something to mix here. But it all went well up to 00:25 (in the clip I mean.) Geez...I don't the chatter in me.