Guess the band!!

Originally posted by Eagle
It will probably be some obscure death band that nobody cares about anymore.

Hmph! I object to that :mad: :waah:

Well t'was Keep on Rotting in the Free World by Carcass a band we'll never get to see at Bloodstock. Mind you Arch Enemy would be a good substitute ... are you listening organisers??
Astarmain ...I would never in a milion squillion years have got that one. My apologies for Eagle's comment....he gets a bit tetchy when the words 'cheesy German metal' are used in my experience!!

Eagle...yours has to be The Apparition by Maiden ...covered by Steel Prophet on Dark Hallucinations. :)

Just had to do this for Maiden :rock: :rock: :rock:
It's was Fates Warning who originally did The Apparation (Maiden did a song called The Apparation on Fear Of The Dark but it was a different song to the original Fates version) I had just listenned to Steel Prophet's version just before I put the post up so you were right though.