Guess The Song


Oct 28, 2001
There are still a couple of months before we can have our hands over the new DT album and we have talked about every imaginable metal and non-metal topic , so I had the idea of a thread where you download a piece of a song and try to guess what song is it, hope you people like it because I went through a lot of trouble ripping the file from the cd, editing a bit of a song, trying with different bitrates because the 25k limit is too limiting (heh) and zipping the file cause *.mp3 files are not allowed for uploading, think I managed to do a good job of getting 5 seconds (no complaining about the lenght, it has to be hard to guess) with an acceptable quality and below 25k.

The first one is really easy (I think).


    24.1 KB · Views: 28
if you've got a access to a web site (like if you're ISP gives u like 5mb or sumthing) upload it there & put a link to it...then no 25k limit.

& generally dun bother ziping mp3 files...they're already compressed

you can tell me to bugger off if i'm just saying obvious or copmlete b.s. things, i get it a lot, i'm used to it
Duh!!!!!! I think I should had posted a more "rare" song, since there are people here that doesn't have a life and spend the whole day listening to metal (phyre, you din't won anyhting but a kick, for killing the "contest" too quickly) :lol: ).

I think I have web space somewhere, but is it really necesary? cause Phyre guessed the song very easily with just 5 seconds of it, what I really want to know is if the concept is appealing to you people so I continue wit this?
Yeah, go on with this!

I downloaded the song, but forgot to listen to it first. A few hours later I remembered it, listened it and recognized it immediately (after all, Black Winter Day was my favorite song back in '95 or so). But, alas, as I came here again, Phyre had already answered the question and all the glory I could have gained with my knowledge vanished before my eyes.

But do continue with it - especially now that my arch-nemesis Phyre will be gone. :p

Originally posted by Villain
Yeah, go on with this!

I downloaded the song, but forgot to listen to it first. A few hours later I remembered it, listened it and recognized it immediately (after all, Black Winter Day was my favorite song back in '95 or so). But, alas, as I came here again, Phyre had already answered the question and all the glory I could have gained with my knowledge vanished before my eyes.

But do continue with it - especially now that my arch-nemesis Phyre will be gone. :p


concur whole heartedly, same thing happened to me lol. So keep it coming!
All right, here comes entry number two, I think it's more difficult to guess this time, but you never know with all this metal freaks around.


    18.2 KB · Views: 35
Well, I must say that this time around I have NO idea about which song it is. :eek:

That weird guitar-sound is vaguely familiar, but I can't recognize the band...

c'mon, that's toooo difficult...6 seconds of unrecognisable riff???
I could even take 6 seconds of fear of the dark and nobody would say!!!!
you evil thanatos ;)
@Fathervic: don't complain man, I know all of you are hard nosed metal listeners, but yeah, maybe 6 seconds are not enough.

Ok here's a clue: This band has been very influential to swedish death metal (not Gothenburg sound) and even though that sample is from their debut album, they still sound the same these days, if it is still too hard forget about the song name and try to guess what band is this, their "sound" is easily recognizable.

It's not Paradise Lost, don't get fooled, this band hasn't anything "gothic".
post the next 6 seconds...

why the hell dun UM let u post any file extension, since you can put any file in a zip file ne way?
don't bother answering that, i just enjoy complaining:(
This band has been very influential to swedish death metal (not Gothenburg sound) and even though that sample is from their debut album, they still sound the same these days

then it's Manowar for sure :loco:

i don't have a clue......hmmmm
by the help you offered Thanatos Entombed came in my mind,but they do not sound the same nowadays hmmm
besides i think if it was entombed i would have recognized riffs from left hand path hmmmm maybe not...oh well.... SHIT :(
uhmmmmm cloooooooooose??????????:confused:
*talking to herself* but then again it's not entombed....Nihilist ??? (CRAP thought...nihilist were before entombed actually)
Daaaaamn this band....EUCHARIST????????

never heard them
am I good at guessing????:D
Come on!!! I think I'll post another sample from the same band in a couple hours, Michael Amott and Johan Liiva come from the same band as the members of this one we're talking about.