Guilty pleasures, or I can't believe you listen to that songs..


Bass Gear Geek
Nov 14, 2005
Sometimes it is surprising what metal heads are into besides metal.

So come on folks what song did somebody find out you really dug but took them by surprise that you were into?

My wife was surprised when I tossed in an Earth Wind and Fire CD. Since I am the least funky person on earth. However one of my favorite songs is the funk masterpiece Stomp by the Brothers Johnson. Sheer brilliance the way this song builds and moves. :worship: :worship:

Stomp video

Linda and I were talking off the wall influences at Canes so come on people, whatcha got?

I was listening to Nina Hagen's big band cd recently....ssssshhhhhhhhhh...don't tell anyone.

:err: :err: :err:
Johnny Cash. The movie "Walk the Line" got me into him. I never realized how many great songs he had. Rockin tunes with no distortion on the guitars. Great energy, real and sense of humor.
Here are some extremes! Chaka Khan and Joni Mitchell! :worship:
There's so much more to Chaka than that fun but kinda stupid song " I Feel For You"
Have any of you ever heard her versions of "Night in Tunisia" & The Beatles' "We Can Work It Out" ? The things that woman can do with her instrument are otherwordly!!!)
If you ever wanna have a nice romantic evening with your woman, listen to Brothers Johnson "Strawberry Letter", or Isaac Hayes "The Look Of Love".
Maiden_Cali said:
If you ever wanna have a nice romantic evening with your woman, listen to Brothers Johnson "Strawberry Letter", or Isaac Hayes "The Look Of Love".

Oh we got that covered after nearly 7 years, trust me. :D ;)

Although some of the Issac Hayes or Barry White big band R&B stuff would be a nice addition.

I've come to the realization I like big sound, with a lot of instruments.

I'm a big Sade fan, I also like jazz, new age, some classical, latin, old funk, and a little country. I also like listening to cool soundtracks, Tangerine Dream has some good ones, and Sean Callery's 24 soundtrack is a good one.