Guinness 250...

I had some of this last month and really enjoyed it. I am not a big fan of Guinness normally, but I thought this stuff was pretty good.
Guinness 250 is made only in their Ireland brewery and is shipped over in kegs only. No bottles, no cans, just pure tasty goodness.
Hmm, never tried it, or any other type of Guinness for that matter, but not being a big beer fan (as far as the taste goes anyway :D) I doubt I'd like it :( So what's the deal for this weekend dude? Apparently Jari and company can't do anything Sunday night since they have another rehearsal immediately after our recording session, but tonight is the Ford's Theater performance, after which I'm free! (I assume it won't go that late, cuz as I mentioned I'm up again at 6:45 tomorrow :ill: )
I love me some Guinness Extra Stout. :kickass:
Not a big fan of Draught, though, unless its on tap and the only other options are VB or Carlton.
Hopefully I find this 250 of which you speak!!!
Hmm, never tried it, or any other type of Guinness for that matter, but not being a big beer fan (as far as the taste goes anyway :D) I doubt I'd like it :( So what's the deal for this weekend dude? Apparently Jari and company can't do anything Sunday night since they have another rehearsal immediately after our recording session, but tonight is the Ford's Theater performance, after which I'm free! (I assume it won't go that late, cuz as I mentioned I'm up again at 6:45 tomorrow :ill: )

I am one sick puppy right now. I was going to call you earlier but I crashed on the couch for about 4 hours. My Lyme's disease has decided to flare up and I got some sort of nasty head cold so I am all manner of aching and sleepiness.

If I get magically better by tomorrow I'll try and call you and see if we can met up someplace, but for right now the farthest I'm going from my bed is the xbox. :P

I've got a second controller if you think you can pwn me on Halo 2 though. :rolleyes: