Guitar action question


Apr 10, 2002
Bay Area, USA
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Question for all you guitar geeks!

I'm playing a Warlock, downtuned to B (standard). And I've basically got the intonation almost "as good as it gets". I'm using Ernie Ball 12-56 strings, and it sounds and keeps pretty well... My beef is this-- The action is too high!

I'm nervous that if I spend the time to try to mess with the truss rod and so forth that I'll just create a crapload of fret buzz with these thick strings, and I'll never be able to push the intonation that final step toward being almost perfect... and it's annoying the hell outta me.

Any advice? I know there are alot of downtuners here.
I don't think truss rod experimentin is wise unless you know what you're doing. Start with raising or lowering the bridge. it's easy and you can't cause damage. The results are immediately obvious too.
You only want to mess with the truss rod when you can look down the neck and see a huge curve or bow. I would imagine if you see a huge curve, like a dip, that may be due to the heavier guage strings you are using. If you feel you need to adjust the truss rod, then go to for some really good advice on how to do it. They are not a metal only site, but they have some very knowledgable people there to help you adjust your guitar and give other advice, also.