Guitar / Bass DI level?


Oct 10, 2009
Searched all over Google and found nothing on where a guitar / bass DI level should be . Usually I go around -6 , but I have downloaded some DI's here ( I think JeffTD's ROS tracks were one of them) that had a much lower signal. I also remember hearing somewhere that you should have the signal go as hot a possible before clipping , but when I record any higher than -6 or so it sounds bad , like compressed when I run it through an amp sim. Thoughts? Thanks everyone !
I always hear that the maximum peaks should be near -3, but my DIs seem much louder than everyone else's. I have to turn the input in the amp sims waaaay low.
I have to turn my guitar volume knob down a bit to stop everything actually clipping :D My DI tracks are normally around -3, sometimes a bit less
I usually try and keep them around -10 or lower so that when I put the amp sim on it it doesnt get too hot. There is def a thread floating around here talking about this exact thing but i totally forget what the title of it is to search for so I cant really help you with that.
I usually aim for the largest peaks to be around -3, I don't really mind what the average level is once I'm not peaking. If the DI clips or comes close the tone is muck.
I always hear that the maximum peaks should be near -3, but my DIs seem much louder than everyone else's. I have to turn the input in the amp sims waaaay low.

Hmm... I usually end up lowering the master volume on the amp sim. I guess I should do it the other way around , on the input vol? When I lower input volume too low though , it sounds like the pickups went bad (they're not) or there's not enough gain