Guitar EQ before modeling??

Feb 28, 2010
Hi guys please help me to understand it, I 've try to mix divers mix contest on this forum and the sound of the guitars DI is totaly different than my guitar sound.I've try with 3 guitars and 4 ID and the result is like always (bad).Put you a special effects before modeling? or my four guitars are gay guitar? Thanks in advance ;)

Sorry for my bad english :D
I've try with ibanez 540BK with EMG HZ , BC Rich JRV with EMG 81 and Ibanez XPT700 With Dimarzio Activator D .The strings is not new but not old :erk: .. I've try with intrument input of my fireface 800 , with palmer active DI box ,Neve 1073 DPA and pod xt and i find the result not good like false medium or i don't know.. Thanks for helping:headbang:
The take : DI.wav
you gear is nice, it shouldn't be a problem to get a good DI sound.
how do you set up when you are recording!?
do you use all the stuff separately or do you hook up everything together?

i think the DI sounds good.
just get new stirngs and try it again.
when it comes to recording strings "get old" very VERY fast.
i wanted to record a song a few days ago. i wasn't really fit so it gone really bad.
i will try to record it tomorrow again but first i will put some new strings on my guitar!;)

You things the problem is my old strings ? ..For the sample i've use Ibanez 540BK in my fireface 800 and i"ve tested with my others stuff separetely but the result is identik. for modeling i use revalver mkiii with recabi impulses. when i mix one guitar DI i've take on this forum the sound is very very great and with the same settings and my guitar DI signal the sound is bad .It's for that i was wondering if there is effects or other on the DI track before modeling.
Thanks again for helping guys :headbang: