Guitar EQ Tips? W programmed Drums

cheers guys. in this case could some people give me some examples of what way you would EQ These and i can try some out and see what i like best. tel me what frequencies you would boost/cut etc and ideas for my LOW/HIGH pass filters... im realy new to EQing Guitars and just want to try and get a basic idea
Post-EQing isn't gonna help to get you a better tone I think. Better redial the amp to the guidelines like ApeScaleConflict said. The cymbals could also use some work by softening them a little, I like the rest of the drums (kick+snare) though.
cheers guys. in that case would you say that th eonly realy post-eqing i should be doing are the hpf/lpf?
Your post processing should be to clean up the already awesome guitar sound. You need a boner tone first, then lp/hp and small cuts/alterations to finish you off.