Guitar EQ


Scott Cumming
Sep 26, 2011
Scotland, UK
Hey guys.

Typically, with the Cali Diamond Plate preset, and tweeking the chain to my own preference (It usually isnt much, other than a slight bit of noise gating),

i'm wondering how you EQ the guitars? And any VST's used, and to what level are they used. I hope i'm explaining this sensibly, i'm in my first year and a half of actually producing music,

I'm looking to achieve a tone similer to The Color Morale and/or Before Their Eyes.

I use Cubase SX3 for everything, because its just pimp. I'm still reading and learning about it, but i'm going to take my time and actually know what the fuck i'm doing.

If you could take a screenshot, or a description on what you use, id be gratefull!

Reason is, my band are about to record our Second EP, which we plan to sell worldwide, much like our first EP.

Any other processing tips on drums/bass would be welcomed!


Scott :Spin:
subtractive and additive equalization


***what was the first ep?