guitar harmonics


Asian Woman
Jan 19, 2002
Sydney, Australia
what is the difference between artificial harmonics and semi-harmonics i always just thought they were the same?
also my friend and i were having a laugh at his guitar because half the pickups(?) in his humbuckers were screws
ive seen this on a lot of entry level guitars and i was wondering if this is a good thing or a bad thing?
I've actually never heard the expression "semi harmonics", so I can't help you there. I can tell you the difference between "natural" and artificial harmonics tho'.

The "screws" in the humbucking pickup are adjustable polepieces. You'll see this on a lot of pickups - not only cheap ones. Duncans often have 'em. Almost all DiMarzio's have 'em (although with hex heads). They are a good thing if you absolutely want to fiddle with them and a bad thing if you suck at fiddling with stuff. :D I never touch them at all.

...On most guitars, the E-strings are closer to the fret board than the rest of the strings. ..To see if the string are lower, try pressing down on the all the strings at the 22nd or 24th fret, then look how close they are to the screws. ..By lowering the ajustable polepieces under the E-strings can sometimes help your strings sound more even in volume.

..Or, if you want more of a single coil-ish sound, you can raise the polepieces higher and lower the pickup. ..This is better for neck pickup, to help get rid of muddyness.

...There are many threads on "harmonics" in this forum, if you don't mind looking for them.