Guitar head death match DSL,6505,Triple Rec,HK Triamp


Aug 2, 2007
I am tracking guitars for an album next week and decided to reamp the guide DIs to try and get a sound sorted before we start. (I had another thread re this)

Here are the same DIs going through Boss OD-3>(in no particular order) Peavey 6505, H&K triamp II, Mesa Triple rec, Marshall DSL100>Orange412>57>DRS-Q4.
Guitars are ESP MI NTB (EMG81) left and ESP Eclipse custom (EMG85) right
Which fits the sound of the band best.
This is a blind test. I will post what's what later
Man, I'm sorry dude, but that is some seriously sloppy playing :erk: Anyway, B and C are my faves (A is just dirty and nasty sounding IMO, so I'm immediately guessing DSL, and D has just a bit too much low mid mud, so it might be the TR - what's the deal with the Boss OD-3, does it provide any kind of low-thinning like the TS/SD-1?), but when the guitars by themselves come in a like 10 seconds in, I can hear a grit/grain in B that I don't like (and is absent in C), so C wins for me by a decent margin! (probably 6505)
Thanks so far guys.
The sloppy playing is because they are the guide DI tracks from when we tracked the drums. (sorry)
The drums have since been edited so the guitars are out a bit. Also the guitar players didn't put too much effort in and only played to guide the drummer. The actual take tracks will be good. These guys are very good players.
The OD-3 is a great pedal. Similar to a ts but not as scratchy with EMG pickups. Much better than an SD-1 which I don't really like.
I usually try the OD-3 and the ts808 and see which works better. In this case the OD-3 won. I will try both again when we actually track the guitars. There is no eq other than HP at 80 and LP at 12k.
BTW C is the H&K Triamp II channel 3B with gain and all eq at 12o'clock, presence at 10o'clock.
I will reveal the rest after some more opinions.
Thanks for the opinions.
No bass yet.

A Mesa
B 6505
C Triamp

I have since found a great sound with a mix of triple rec thru orange cab and 6505 thu ENGL cab that we probably use.
I will post the result when we track the actual guitar takes.
B actually sounded more like a marshall to me than the DSL did...i liked D best btw, A comes second. B and C both had a weird midrange imho.
Thanks for the opinions.
No bass yet.

A Mesa
B 6505
C Triamp

I have since found a great sound with a mix of triple rec thru orange cab and 6505 thu ENGL cab that we probably use.
I will post the result when we track the actual guitar takes.

FUCK :lol: Goes to show amp settings and cab choice can make all the difference!