Guitar Help!

Mountain Man

Blow It All To Hell!
Feb 24, 2002
West Virginia
My dad has been playing acoustic guitar since 1983. The guitar he has been playing since then is a limited edition 6 strings Alvarez and it’s a nice guitar. Anyway, my dad’s playing abilities are about average. He plays in his bedroom about 3 to 4 times a week along to typical classic rock: Boston, Kansas, Rainbow and The Beatles, and from time-to-time he’ll play some Opeth or In Flames acoustic pieces. For a few years now, he has been very close to purchasing an electric guitar and I’m pretty sure he’ll be purchasing one for this Christmas. He seems to have his mind set on these things: A Fender Stratocaster, along with a Peavey, Marshall or Fender amp. He said he’s willing to spend up to $1500 for all the guitar stuff. So my questions go out to all of you guitar players: What would be the best guitar for my dad to purchase considering how often he plays and what type of music he plays along too? He’s a really big Fender fan. Also, what type of amp would you recommend? I told him Marshall. Any help you guys can give me for him to make his decision would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :cool:
I can't promise this will be too much help, but I iwll give it a shot... First and foremost I'll have to tell you that I am not a fan of Fender. At least not their electrics, but their acoustics seem to hold up pretty well from what I've played on. 1500 bucks will definitely get your father what he needs in my opinion. All of the names you mentioned should do well, and I am particularly fond of anything Peavey, especially the wolfgang series of guitars, and the express 112 amp. The amp is not too big, but its big enough to be loud if it needs it, has its own built-in distortion that when set right (low and high set all the way up and mid all the way down) sounds exactly like the dist. in Dream THeater's Scenes from a memory... But thats if that's what you're going for. THe Peavey Wolfgang is Van Halen's custom model, so there should be no question as to its playability.

What it really boils down to, is that your father should (if your guitar store has them) play on several different electrics to find the one that he wants. There are too many kinds of guitars and kinds of guitarists for anyone to say that he should play this one or the other ... but it I think it would be good for anyone trying out an electric to try the famous Les Pauls, try the less expensive but definitely player friendly Ibanez, try a jackson, the peavey mentioned above, and really any kind that he finds appealing, he should try it.

And might I add that that's awesome your dad will play In Flames Stuff, becasue some of their songs are gorgeous... You might want to show him the intro to Dark Tranquility's "Insanity's Cescendo" for that is a very pretty piece, and well... Opeth is just pretty.

I hope this helped in some form or another, and if you have any questions regarding this babble or anything else feel free to ask, I'll try to help.

Ah yes, amps, i left them out.... Most of them will have distorion built in,some don't, this again should be considered according to the probability of your dad's using it. Like I said I prefer the Peavey Sound as its relatively affordable and good enough to make my picky self happy... However, my dream set up would be what John Petrucci (Dream Theater) Really used, which was a Mesa Boogie stack and head, which can get you any sound that you want, if you can go through all the knobs and set it up right... but thats only if you get into the electric enough, for starting I reccomend you go for something simple and easy... Again, depends on your local guitar store, and what they have to let you play on, and again, i recommend, and feel it necessary to make sure he tries it out before anything is bought.

Good luck, and Rock On
just to make sure its clear, i feel strats are overrated, and highly recommend he tries something esle too. ALthough most people do love Fenders, so he should try one too... i hope that made some sense... heh, Good luck \m/
Your dad needs to go to a well stocked guitar shop, and play everything in sight, or some of his freinds, just to get a feel of what's out there. Then go off, buy some guitar magazines and read through them. Find out what his favorite artists use with regard to guitars (body woods), pickups and amplification/effects.

Then go try them out, play through the amp and play as manyt things as possible. Play with the amp as well, if possible, get someone to go with him who knows about guitars a bit.