Guitar left\right mixdown problem in Audition 3


New Metal Member
Sep 18, 2009
Belarus, Minsk
Hi, guys!

I've got some dark metal project to mix, with 6 mono guitar tracks (4 rythm guitars, 2 solo guitars).

So I pan'em like L90, R90, L70, R70, solo guitars tracks go L20 R20. I've got EQs and Waves RVerb on them.

When I solo a guitar track, it sounds perfectly left or right, but when I solo both the left and the right tracks, they both start to sound in the center. When I mix the song down, all guitars sound dead center and very mono. The stereo effect of a track comes from the drums only, so it sounds very narrow and dull.

I checked the effects pre\post fader positions - no changes. I switched Stereo Panning mode - nothing. I checked my previous projects with mono guitar tracks - they sound cool and give a nice rich sound picture.

So now I'm pretty confused and ask for your help. :OMG:
this might sound like a stupid question but are the tracks just duplicates or were they all played seperately?
if there duplicates put one of them into a pitch corrector plugin and drop or raise its pitch by a few cents (not steps) and it will make it sound more like you got 2 separate recordings instead of 1 just copied around - this works because no tuning of 2 different instruments is exactly perfect and that imperfection gives each track its individuality