Guitar nut Help


Chilean Rocker
Dec 16, 2006
Santiago, Chile
Hi guys, This is my situation.

I own two high end Ibanez guitars (one custom shop LA and another RG3271)
Both have fixed bridge.

Since I went to 11's-52'2 (D tuning) the intonation came very crappy. And I think I discovered the problem.
These guitars weren't made for this gauge, since the nut holes are in a kind of "V" shape, therefore, thicker strings will be higher in the nut , so when fretting notes they will be very unstable in pitch (if you press harder the note goes sharp)
This doesnt happen in my floydrose ibanez.

So, what kind of nuts do you recommend for using this gauge? Brand, material, model, etc?

I would keep the existing nut and just get a good set of files from stew mac or somewhere. IMO it's way easier to file a nut than replace one. PRACTICE with the files before taking them to you guitar. If you are not comftorable with doing it then take it to a local shop you trust. hope that helps.
I strongly recomend getting a brassnut, because they dont get worn out in the same way as plastic ones, and they give you more sustain and dynamics then a plastic one.
Hold individual strings down on the 3rd fret and look at the clearance between the string at the first fret. The clearance should be very little, a few pages of telephone book paper. If the gap is larger, then yes you will have intonation problems at the first few frets especially. I recommend graphtech nuts or brass. I use nut files to take care of string gauge problems, great part about graphtech nuts is that you only have to file the bottom to make the gap right, the radius is set for ya. If the slot is too small, it's usually on the lowest strings. You can get away with filing the slot with the wrapped string if necessary, but I recommend a tech.