Guitar Player Search


Jan 7, 2007
So for those of you that don't already know, we are once again hunting for a second guitarist. If you or someone you know is interested give us a shout. My email is


Must have own guitar
Must have own amp
Must be at least 21 or close enough to it (most gigs are at bars)
Must have reliable transportation
Must be able to practice a minimum of once a week, usually Sunday
Must be capable of both rhythms and leads
No assholes or drug addicts

I would like to add another criteria...

If you don't know what movies this is from, you're not worthy.
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He's like an Irish / Scandinavian version of Caione. And a little taller...

Oh and he has long hair. Not since the days of Mike Romano have we had an all long hair line up. Not that it means anything, but you know how people like to stereotype. At least now it will be easier for them.