Guitar porn alert!!!

Whoa, when I read the title of this thread, I thought they started using guitars as dildos now.
Very lovely looking guitar indeed!!! I bet it sounds amazing as well...
Where'd ya get da bling-bling for all those guitars, nigga? :D
Da bling-bling?!!
I'll tell ya... I sold My Charvel Predator, Jackson Kelly, Marshall VS100, and Jackson 4x12 (celestion) cab on E-bay

I actually went overboard, because the guitar cost about $800 and I made about $1000 on the ebay sales
And i think that my LTD M-1000 will be going on sale too, not now but sometime in the just doesn't have the right flow for me. Painted neck, binding, and quite frankly, I'm done with floyds. Even though the floyd on that one is the best I've ever played, I'm just done. No more active pickups...nothing too new guitar is perfect for me
Dado-x said:
Whoa, when I read the title of this thread, I thought they started using guitars as dildos now.

I'd fucking love that!

And very nice looking guitar dude, but Ibanez all the way ya'll!
Zax666 said:
@yeet_SAY_jama - Why? Purely aestethical stuff or you actually USE that thing?

because the finish below the knob has been worn a bit, making my sexy guitar look flawed and less arousing.
Once, just for the sake of it, I tried a Yamaha RGX420 (I think) to an equal price-wise Ibanez.

I thought the Yamaha ATE the Ibanez.

1. Sounded richer.
2. The neck wasn't THAT thin, but still on the thin side and everything was actually quite easy. The Ibanez was thin and flat and that's all. The Yamaha was thin because it had to actually play good .:)
3. The tremolo worked more smoothly and didn't make noises.
4. The Yamaha resonated much more lively.

I guess that'd make my next guitar. :)

Oh, and I think my hands are similar to TSR's, just with less meat on 'em.

Oh, BTW TSR, you can record a demo of the DC127 with the Adams Family theme.

It'd kick ass!!!