Guitar Pro or Power Tab Editor


New Metal Member
Feb 15, 2003
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Which program is better? Guitar Pro or PTE...right now i'm using Power Tab since its a free program and has a lot...but i was wondering if Guitar Pro is worth the money...i havent had enough time to mess around with the demo yet either...
Originally posted by BodomiC
Try kazza, its not worth to pay for it, since u can optain it free :D Anyway, gp is way better in my opionion than PTE, cuz its based on mids, and can play any shit ull write down.
Hmm.. so what do you think the power tab editor is based on? I get this feeling you don´t even know the program we are talking about :lol: . I personally use myself Guitar Pro more, since it´s way easier/better to use(,but PTE still looks much better in my opinion).
The newest version of Guitar Pro(4) is maybe the best one out there, but I´m not sure if it is very stable. I mean it crashes quite much. That´s why I still use v3. Check the gp4 demo and see what do YOU think of it. You can download itat the guitar pro homepage
Zsuzsa: yes, I am. But I'm not a freak who knows every film, book, ............
In fact I don't know that many Animes I think ;)
Awesome!! Since you guys can pirate tab programs that you use frequently, that means I won't have to buy Hatecrew Deathroll! I'll just keep my mp3 copy, for FREE! Excellent!
Sephiroth: talking about books, I think Appleseed is my favourite

back to the i topic of the thread: I like both progs, but I use GuitarPro more often because of the possibility to use drums