Guitar Rig + recabinet questions


Revel in this, bitch.
Sep 19, 2007
I've been using Recabinet and Guitar rig lately. I can't really get that bite I want out of my guitar sound. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting the real heavy metal sound? I've been trying to go Guitar rig -> Screamer -> Ultrasonic -> keFIR -> (D6 on one guitar panned 80 percent ether way and a 57 panned closer to 40) Anyone got any ideas or tips? It'd be much appreciated. Thanks!
Sounds like a dumb question but are you switching off any cab simulations you have running in guitar rig?
I forgot to do this and it makes a big difference.

Also, start off with a lot less gain that you think you'll need. Once you double or quad track the guitars they'll soon beef up and as I've learnt from here too much gain = fizzy fuzzy mushy tone.

I guess you'll get some replies saying "don't use guitar rig" and to be fair I hardly use GR3 at the moment. Google the TSS tube screamer plugin and go visit AcmeBarGig for muchofun amp sims :-)
I dont know how to make amp sims sound huge but my suggestion would
be to study the work of Dandelium from this forum as he seems to be the
undisputed king of making amp sims sound good. Personally, I have given
up trying and gone the path of real amps but I dont think my neighbors
are very happy with me.
Yeah, I always make sure they're completely out of there. I'm just starting to dislike guitar rig personally. It doesn't have that real sound. I might just say fuck the whole thing, go get my buddies 5150 II and just fucking redo everything with that.

I actually have some of the acmebargig amp sims there really good for free. I should just start saving again and get revalver.
I tried so many times with guitar rig to get a nice biting tone, but found it so hard… i also found it too fizzy…

still use it for virtual effects though…
Yeah, I always make sure they're completely out of there. I'm just starting to dislike guitar rig personally. It doesn't have that real sound. I might just say fuck the whole thing, go get my buddies 5150 II and just fucking redo everything with that.

I actually have some of the acmebargig amp sims there really good for free. I should just start saving again and get revalver.

I found the razorhead pretty good for a biting tone. The settings on the drive amp are important for this. Keep the gain on this very low but max the level and drive color with the cyan setting.
Like in this preset:
I don`t remember if I`ve made it with the final version or a beta, see if it works.
I tried so many times with guitar rig to get a nice biting tone, but found it so hard… i also found it too fizzy…

still use it for virtual effects though…

It's sad but it's true.... Guitar Rig is pretty much effects only for me these days, although I did a cheesy metal covers gig recently and played GR3 through a laptop which sounded pretty cool.
i have to admit, that when i did use it for a bands demo, i ended up using the Mesa sim with about 3 cabs to get a big heavy tone and spent ages trying to eq out the fizz…

though i got an awesomely epic tone through the tube-skreamer and marshall sim and another three cabs for the solo… it was the best part of a 7 minute Metal-core song (next to the cowbell)
Thanks for all the suggestions. My biggest issue with Guitar rig 3 is basically the sizzling and the pop noises. I try to dial the fuckers out but its really really fucking hard, not to mention I only have cheap headphones to mix out of.. I think I'll start saving for Revalver though GR3 just seems to be a huge waste of time and I hear nothing but good things about revalver.
I've actually been looking in to that. Do you have any suggestions for good bass amp sims? Guitar rig kinda doesn't cut it there for me ether haha. The thing I noticed about guitar rig (especially with distorted guitars) is that when you turn the treble down you lose all of your distortion/gain..which really sucks. Im just going to save for revalver though to save me sometime. Every recording I hear with Revalver + recab usually equals jesus.
Well I've tried that, I usually try 100(D6) percent left, usually a 121 at 60, and a 57 at ether 30 or 20. I usually do this for both sides but guitar rig makes the lows sound so f*ing muddy even when you toggle with the presence knob.

@Loren Littlejohn, Yeah the full version ain't much better. I mean some people have come up with some cool tones for it but they're always wicked scratchy/metallic sounding. I want that thick nevermore sound. Bet again theres a huge difference between the equipment used for that haha
Yeah from the clips I have heard from paid modelers: revalver, amplitube, podfarm, eleven and guitar rig. Line 6 and Peavey win for high gain tones IMO.

For me (talking only software since I think the Axe Fx kills everything) it goes in this order:
1. Peavey/line6 depending on who has made the clip :lol:
2. All those other modelers.
Revalver is the shit and I love it and it is worth fucking with for sure.