ok so my account finally just got activated and first of all i just wanna say hi to the ultimate metal communtiy, ive seen some awesome threads and i have to say im pretty excited to finally be a part of this. I also have a Ultimate-guitar account, im "Tig Bitties" if you wanna add me 
So i have a few questions about vst's and the likes. Ive been using guitar rig 3 for a while now and I have been hearing SO much about nick crows amps and boogex and tss. Ive heard some of you guys put out some amazing tones with them too. My first problem comes when trying these chains. Here is what i do
-Drive around 1.5
- tone and level around 8
Nick Crow 8505 or 7170
- Have tried a million combinations and cant get a good sound
- Awesometime "s-preshigh" with mix at 100%, gain and length i dont touch
This is the same chain i see people soo countless times, or i see them use solo_c instead of tss (which i tried and it sounds like crap). Im really starting to think there is something wrong with me. Here is one of my best tones i can get with guitar rig
Its the Insomnium cover. I tried running it through that chain i said earlier, yet it sound dry, thin and tinny. Any ideas?
Any tips also like using different tones on eachother would help.
And one more question and this one is VERY important for me. I know for a huge rythym sound you are supposed to quad track your guitars, my question is say its just a rythym track at first, and in a live situation it would be 2 guitarist playing the same thing, do you quad track it for each guitarist? And also say we did a harmony for the rythym, do you uad track each guitarist? Basically what im asking is are you supposed to quad track each guitarist, even if they are playing the same thing too. And are leads single tracked?
Also i hear people talking about high pass filters on vsts? If someone could tell me what they are and how to use them it would be greatly appreciated. And i also heard reverb can really bring out a mix. I really have so many ideas for songs, but im kind of a production snob, and i dont like how any of my tones come out, if anyone could help a noob out, i would love you forever. I will post results if given any tips, and sorry for such a long first thread =D
By the way here is my set up
Epiphone Explorer -> Guitar Cable -> M audio duo interface -> USB 2.0 cable -> computer (160 gb HD, 1 gb ram) -> Acid pro
And plugins i have are
Ezdrummer dkfh, Guitar rig 3, Nick crow 7170 and 8505, boogex, kefir, wagner and trial version of SIR.

So i have a few questions about vst's and the likes. Ive been using guitar rig 3 for a while now and I have been hearing SO much about nick crows amps and boogex and tss. Ive heard some of you guys put out some amazing tones with them too. My first problem comes when trying these chains. Here is what i do
-Drive around 1.5
- tone and level around 8
Nick Crow 8505 or 7170
- Have tried a million combinations and cant get a good sound
- Awesometime "s-preshigh" with mix at 100%, gain and length i dont touch
This is the same chain i see people soo countless times, or i see them use solo_c instead of tss (which i tried and it sounds like crap). Im really starting to think there is something wrong with me. Here is one of my best tones i can get with guitar rig
Its the Insomnium cover. I tried running it through that chain i said earlier, yet it sound dry, thin and tinny. Any ideas?
Any tips also like using different tones on eachother would help.
And one more question and this one is VERY important for me. I know for a huge rythym sound you are supposed to quad track your guitars, my question is say its just a rythym track at first, and in a live situation it would be 2 guitarist playing the same thing, do you quad track it for each guitarist? And also say we did a harmony for the rythym, do you uad track each guitarist? Basically what im asking is are you supposed to quad track each guitarist, even if they are playing the same thing too. And are leads single tracked?
Also i hear people talking about high pass filters on vsts? If someone could tell me what they are and how to use them it would be greatly appreciated. And i also heard reverb can really bring out a mix. I really have so many ideas for songs, but im kind of a production snob, and i dont like how any of my tones come out, if anyone could help a noob out, i would love you forever. I will post results if given any tips, and sorry for such a long first thread =D
By the way here is my set up
Epiphone Explorer -> Guitar Cable -> M audio duo interface -> USB 2.0 cable -> computer (160 gb HD, 1 gb ram) -> Acid pro
And plugins i have are
Ezdrummer dkfh, Guitar rig 3, Nick crow 7170 and 8505, boogex, kefir, wagner and trial version of SIR.