best free amp-sim?


New Metal Member
Jan 29, 2010
Hi, I just wanted to check you opinions on the tons of free amp sim VST's out there.

Right now im using the 8505, TSS and Voxengo Boogex (some good impulses?).

Has anyone tryed something else that they can recommend? Also, i'm thinkin' bout' buying the Revalver MKIII, when I get more "skilled".

//Elias, stay metal
I'm gonna ask a couple questions regarding this topic, figured it'd be easier to do it here than to cloud up the boards with the same crap.

I've downloaded the LePou LE456, it's in my winrar, I've extracted it...but it shows up nowhere. So the question is, how do I make this plug-in work?

Also, before I even go too far with the this the kind of thing where I can record a clean DI signal on my Tascam DP-008, dump it to the computer and then drop into my editing program, and, using the plug in as an effect, apply the different gains, tones and distortion? I'm looking for a simplified way of recording guitar without mic'ing my cab.

sorry, probably should have just started a new thread.