Using Solo C and 8505 together.


New Metal Member
Jun 13, 2009
I have heard people make some sick ass tones with the two of these bad boys together, so I first decided to try Solo C. I use the full stack version, throw in my 2 impulses, and wow, this already sounds much better then using amplitube metal with voxengo for sure. Tweak the settings around, and damn I'm pretty happy with this sound, and I don't feel the need to use sonic maximizers anymore. Just because I can never stay happy enough with one tone or program or anything for that matter for too long, I decided to try throwing 8505 into the mix because I've seen a lot of people doing this in the rate my tone thread. I don't quite get it... if solo C is your amp sim, do you just load 8505 into a second guitar track ? or in the same fx loop ? Im using reaper, maybe I'm putting it in the wrong spot in the chain ? Any tips for using the two together would be a huge help.

Thanks in advanced ladies and gentlemen.
I guess Dandelium started this, he found out that it actually sounds quite good to use SoloC
as a boost for 8505 (instead of a Tubescreamer). Try this: Load SoloC (I'd suggest the preamp
version), just leave it at stock settings and then add 8505 (on the same track) and after that
some impulse (for example fabulous s-preshigh ;))
I guess Dandelium started this, he found out that it actually sounds quite good to use SoloC
as a boost for 8505 (instead of a Tubescreamer). Try this: Load SoloC (I'd suggest the preamp
version), just leave it at stock settings and then add 8505 (on the same track) and after that
some impulse (for example fabulous s-preshigh ;))
and what would you use to load that impulse?
Yup, Boogex fucking rules, just turn all four knobs under the "Amplifier" section all the way down, load your impulse, and I personally prefer the sound of HP/LP'ing using ReaEQ (rather than the default HP/LP in Boogex)
Got it yesterday, it's nice.

I found another Tube Screamer other than TSS, t'was in this 'Guitar Suite' thing on KVR with a JCM900 sim:

Tried this TS and the JCM900 with LeCab (w/ only catharsis' s-preshigh impulse) and it was not too bad at all.

If I'm correct, that JCM900 already has the cab sim into the plug-in, you don't need to use another one. But the sad part is that you can't change the cab type from the JCM900... it's fixed. (I may be wrong! :( )

See this site for some nice GUI for the guitarsuite vst:
Is it only me who feels it's a shame using SoloC as a "pedal" ? It's a really good ampsim and deserves better :p hehe