8505 question


Apr 17, 2009
So i'm tracking my first proper mix now that i've got the drums down..however im wondering...since i think i glanced at a couple of chains with the 8505 stuck in from other guys in the forum...how do you set up your chain with it????

i feel like i have to crank the gain up full on it to not get a really choked/dry sound coming out of my guitar and to still be able to get the chun..surely this would contradict the scenario for real amp micing/using a pod where the gain should be set to around 5? ive tried using the tss plugin but it sounds a bit muddy in my opinion so i prefer to use my real ts9..

am i being stupid by setting the drive to full?
what do you guys have your chains like?

For this I used the 8505 to give some boost to the JCM900 which was the main signal (I used the same DI for both). I had the gain at 3.30 (o clock), lows 9, mids 3, sweep 9, hi 3, power amp 5, volume 9. I used the guitarhacks edge sneap impulse ("EDGE -1 I Inch ala Sneap pic.wav")

Sample from the chorus: http://www.ahjteam.com/upload/ahjteam_accell_rightgtr.mp3

First the 8505, then the JCM900, then both combined. In the final product they were panned 80% the the right, in addition I had similiar solution on the left channel but with different amps (I used two JCM900's) and then on the hard panned is Studio Devil BVC on the left and Ndzeit Dirthead on the right

Hope it helps.