Guitar talk with Con


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread about guitars for the shredders in here (Con, ImprintedLife and myself- anyone else out there?).

First up, Caparisons :D I love the look of the Horus, and the tone is so recognisable IMO. Such a great sound, but I've never played one. I figured, Con owns one, Sam got to play Henrik's *jealous*, so what do you have to say? I've heard they compare to a USA Jackson soloist in terms of feel.
Worth the money?
From what I can remember, Henk's Horus was really nice, I was in a daze at that moment, so yeah, memory is hazy on the details of that one.

Con's Horus was nice, loved the feel of the neck etc, the only bolt on guitar I would fork out for!

But, I am more of a Stop Tail guitar type of guy, so if I got a CAPA, would be a 24 Fret Angelus! :headbang:
Yeah, I like my fixed bridges too, but there is something about the Horus that just screams "TAKE ME". I guess the wammy work that Henrik does makes me justify it on that guitar haha.
First up, Caparisons :D I love the look of the Horus, and the tone is so recognisable IMO. Such a great sound, but I've never played one. I figured, Con owns one, Sam got to play Henrik's *jealous*, so what do you have to say? I've heard they compare to a USA Jackson soloist in terms of feel.
Worth the money?

Worth every penny mate !!!!
The first time i played a Horus which was Andy La Rocques nice collection it was like playing a guitar i have been playing for 10 years. I have played many different types and brands of guitars but honestly i have never picked up a guitar and only after one play it feels like home if you know what i mean. They are built to perfection and also have a very nice tone . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!!!!
In terms of feel i can't really compare them with anything. Next gig Daniel be sure to come and see me and you will be more than welcome to check them out. I will have atleast 2 Horus with me at all times now because of the different tunings. The first a Horus HGS which is the guitar you have seen me with and the second a standard Horus which i used for only one song (instrumental) at our CD launch in Melbourne.
great thread, who stocks these fiddles - I'm dying to try one out

btw I recently swapped out my bill lawrence 500XL for some Evo's, so much happier with the fiddle now......I use the RG3120, great little guitar
Next gig Daniel be sure to come and see me and you will be more than welcome to check them out. I will have atleast 2 Horus with me at all times now because of the different tunings. The first a Horus HGS which is the guitar you have seen me with and the second a standard Horus which i used for only one song (instrumental) at our CD launch in Melbourne.

Wow! Thatnks Con. That would rule!

I know what you mean about it feeling like home. I get like that with a few guitars. They're the ones I buy or lust over :p
I am looking at getting a decent rack processor with MIDI etc for my effects et al -

Everyone is raving about the Digitech GSP 1101, it doesn't rob tone like other units do supposedly.

It's getting that popular that Dave Mustaine is even using these, and Michael Amott, Michael Wilton etc.

I want to use it more as an effects unit in conjunction with my amp, my amp also has Midi IN/Out, can these processors also combine my amp channels with effects etc? I have a Randall RM100M.

Also, if I decide to get it, what is a good Midi floorboard to use, everyone says the Behringer ones are pretty good, I also heard you can use the POD XT Live units as a Midi board, I have one, but I am not too thrilled at the moment with it.
If you have a MIDI in on your amp, it should be able to integrate your amp channels into the switching, but I guess it could also depend on the unit which would do the switching. That might be a good question to shoot off in an email to the Randall and/ or Digitech.
I am looking at getting a decent rack processor with MIDI etc for my effects et al -

Everyone is raving about the Digitech GSP 1101, it doesn't rob tone like other units do supposedly.

I want to use it more as an effects unit in conjunction with my amp, my amp also has Midi IN/Out, can these processors also combine my amp channels with effects etc? I have a Randall RM100M.

Also, if I decide to get it, what is a good Midi floorboard to use, everyone says the Behringer ones are pretty good, I also heard you can use the POD XT Live units as a Midi board, I have one, but I am not too thrilled at the moment with it.

I can't say much about the new unit but i can tell you this about Digitech. Personally i think they are streets ahead of the rest when it comes to effects units/ pre amps. Currently i am using the pink monster the GSP 2120. I also still own my GSP 2101 unit. The way i run the units is exactly the way you want to run them as well by the sound of it so here goes. On the back of your head their should be an effects loop with send and return inputs. From the effects processor you should be using mono output and from their going to the return input (effects loop)in the back of the head. Your guitar lead should then be plugged into the front input of the head not the effects processor. From their you can then control on the Digitech the amount of signal you wish to mix with your original amp sound. It won't effect your amp sound one bit and you can combine your amp channels as well. The only downfall to that is you are going to have to hit your floorboard twice. One for the channel selection and once for the effect you want to add. As for midi boards i can highly recommend the Boss FC-50. They are a little hard to find now though.
As for midi ask Sammy (madmuso) he knows alot about that sort of stuff. I have never used midi myself.
Hope this helps !!!!!
If you have a MIDI in on your amp, it should be able to integrate your amp channels into the switching, but I guess it could also depend on the unit which would do the switching. That might be a good question to shoot off in an email to the Randall and/ or Digitech.

exactly. And yes, shoot off an email to them before buying to make sure its gonna do what you want.:)
Also, if I decide to get it, what is a good Midi floorboard to use, everyone says the Behringer ones are pretty good, I also heard you can use the POD XT Live units as a Midi board, I have one, but I am not too thrilled at the moment with it.

I use the Behringer with my too.
I used to have the behringer midi floor board, its great, nothing else out there for the bucks. All behringer stuff is built on a very very tight budget because they target their products to the low end user (not everyone has a zillion dollars,especialy muso's!) but every now and then companies like them release diamonds in the rough, like I said, for the bucks.
I used to have the behringer midi floor board, its great, nothing else out there for the bucks. All behringer stuff is built on a very very tight budget because they target their products to the low end user (not everyone has a zillion dollars,especialy muso's!) but every now and then companies like them release diamonds in the rough, like I said, for the bucks.

i know what you mean, i have my behringer pedal tuner, it works. why pay more?
yeah what he said!

I picked them up in Troy Music Footscray and they just seemed too bright and a little "brittle" so i tried replacing with Evolutions and got a tone that I'm happy with.

I think the next pickup I'm going to try out is the "Black outs" by seymour pickups with great reviews
I picked them up in Troy Music Footscray

I hear there are two types - 2 Bill Lawrences in fact.

The company split and both guys kept making the pick ups, one version gets sold through Stew Mac in the USA and apparently are a bit dodgy, they feed back, etc.

The other is made by a family business and there is a few months waiting list for them, this company also supplies Fender.

Diamond Darrell actually had the 500L's in his early guitar.

I picked them up in Troy Music Footscray and they just seemed too bright and a little "brittle" so i tried replacing with Evolutions and got a tone that I'm happy with.

I think the next pickup I'm going to try out is the "Black outs" by seymour pickups with great reviews

fair enough. one of my mates has some evos in his axe nd he raves about them.
Seymour Duncans are king. I have the classic set up of the Jazz in the neck and the JB (stands for Jonathon Barwick :lol:) in the bridge, They set my tone on fire when i got them in and I havent looked back ever since. :kickass: