Guitar tone help


New Metal Member
Jul 28, 2009
I'm having a huge problem getting good tone out of my di's.
My chain is basically TSS->Amp sim(Nick Crowe L and Lepou456 R) ->keFir with catharisis IR impulses->EQ

Heres a sample of a very rough mix of the track

I'll upload the di's up in a while. Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong

Thanks :)
Hm. Sounds to me like tone is the least of your worries. The style of music you're going for usually involves significantly more detuned rhythmic composition at least underneath all of the harmonized melodies you've got going on here. I'd call this an arrangement and choice of key issue. Also, you're using a very clean and subdued bass tone that's mostly playing in its upper registers, which means even Less low-end reinforcement of the guitar tone from the bass. It tends to keep your instrumentation all in distinct little pockets and that's why you think your guitars suck. The guitars could do with a little more X or a little more Y but honestly the best tone in the world will do nothing for this song on its own. Invest some time in examining how best to make use of your two guitars and how to get the bass to reinforce them correctly without sacrificing the fills and melodic counterpoint you've written -- it's excellent musically but it lends it a power metal sonic architecture and you'd need some keyboards, a melodic vocalist and far more reverb to make that work :p