Guitar Tone Test


Dec 30, 2006
EDIT: Here's the clip with more gain, same processing:

I'm working on my guitar tone. This is my Mesa Boogie Quad Channel 2 into a Mesa 50/50, hooked up to an open back Avatar 2x12 with a SM57 micing the Vintage 30 straight on, an inch or so from the center. The SM57 goes into my Aardvark Q10 which isn't so great as far as preamps and A/D but I needed something with 8 ins for cheap. It's doubletracked and panned a bit. The EQed recording has both guitar tracks processed individually with Andy's C4 settings, then EQed together.

Here's the not equalized version just for the hell of it, it does have C4 but no EQ.

The EQed clip sounds pretty good to me but is missing something. I do know that during the chugging part at the end, the guitars aren't perfectly tight. The tone just doesn't sound professional. What could I do as far as processing to get this to sound better?
You were right on that. I added more gain and posted the clip at the top of the original post.