Guitar World Fails miserably


Burger King Diamond
Sep 18, 2008
Washington State
While I was excited to see the new issue with Kirk Hammett on the cover, my smile turned into a snarl with a slight growl to go along with it. My eyes turned blood red and I've officially earned severe hatred for Guitar World. What made it happen? A few simple words on the cover:

The Next Metallica: Trivium

I skipped through all of the Metallica and went straight to the article that should earn Guitar World editors a place in the Inner Ring of the Seventh Circle of Hell. However, something I read made me consider sending them to the Sixth Circle instead, it was about who else could "succeed" Metallica. One of the bands was Evile.

But to think that the editors would put Trivicum--er, I mean Trivium in the same god damn league as Metallica or Evile just made me want to take every issue of Guitar World I have and just burn 'em.
Guitar World is ok, they are not an all out metal magazine, they don't even really know whats going on in the metal scene. Trivium can't compare to Metallica, Triviums use of a second vocalist that sounds like a possessed muppet really diqualifies them. They are trying to come up with their own style, but its so unoriginal, and basic people that are just getting into metal might like them, but they are being fooled into liking something else.
I find GW to be the best out there in terms of guitar mags that feature interviews, tabs, lessons, and gear coverage. While Total Guitar may be more Shred/Metal oriented these days, i find they're transcriptions of songs passable at best, and the only lessons i have found useful over the years was the Paul Gilbert column.

Trivium are a good band based on they're own merits, not the hype surrounding them, they're all amazingly accomplished musicians for their age, and have acheived a great amount in such a short period of time, which bears a striking comparison to.... you guessed it : METALLICA!!!

I own "The Crusade" and while it's not one of the best albums ever made, i think it's Trivium's best so far, and goes a long way to showing that they've got what it takes to make it far more than some second rate wannabee cookie cutter metalcore band. They're not my favourite band in the world, and i actually find they're hardcore growls and emo choruses quite fucking annoying but at the end of the day they're trying to carve their own path out of about 4 different musical styles, and i say good luck to them.

They might be the best band in the world to metal n00bs, and i'm certainly not one of those, and i can honestly say that they don't deserve the shit they get handed on a daily basis over the internetz and elsewhere because they're just doing what they love and they actually are really good at it.

That said... Evile are better, and if i was in a famous band i would want to be regarded as the next MEGADETH hahahahahaha.
Yeah I know what you mean, but after all its just press even if its a guitar magazine, I prefer total guitar instead of guitar world but thats just me.
Nobody should be called the next anything cant sound exactly the same, its quite impossible. As I said, its just press and they try to sell things thats what its about most of the time. You wanna sell Trivium? Just say they are the next Metallica coz everybody knows that band........ I mean who hasnt heard of metallica, you catching my drift?
Here's verbatim what they said about Evile and four other bands being Metallica "successors" aside from Trivium:

By Jon Wiederhorn

Drawing from the rapid palm-muted riffs, frenetic beats and gang-vocal choruses of old-school thrash, San Fransisco quintet Hatchet have hacked their way into the new Bay Area scene. The band's debut, Awaiting Evil (Metal Blade), is a tasteful blend of Kill 'Em All-era Metallica, Slayer and early Anthrax.
Why they could:
Rhythym guitarist Sterling Bailer anchors the songs with an array of tight, speedy riffs, and lead guitarist Julz Ramos shines wheter he's tapping or sweep picking.
Why they couldn't:
Singer Marcus Kirchen has a convicning scream but lacks range, and while the songs have plenty of dynamics, few are immediately memorable.

Former Metallica producer Flemming Rasmussen produced Evile's debut Enter the Grave (Earache), an album flush with staccato minor-key riffs, fleet-fingered leads and roaring vocals that could easily be mistaken for Slayer's Tom Araya. Actually, Slayer is probably the band's main influence, but there's also lots of Eighties Metallica pulsing through its blackened veins.
Why they could:
Guitarists (and brothers) Matt and Ol Drake can shred--perhaps even better than Slayer--and they're skilled at creating tension with rhythyms that build, then explode before sttling into mosh-friendly midsections.
Why they couldn't:
They sound a little too much like their influences.

The "Thrash or Die" motto of this Kenosha, Wisconsin, band isn't exactly original, but the way it combines rapid-fire riffage, abrupt rhythym changes and cutting guitar harmonies within barreling double-bass drumming is worthy of praise. Early this year, the group caught the ear of Metal Blade Records, which is about to issue its James Murphy (Death, Testament)-produced debut.
Why they could:
Their playing blazes, yet Lazarus A.D. guitarists Dan Gapen and Alex Lackner are intuitive enough to know when to slow down or insert melodic hooks.
Why they couldn't:
Bassits and vocalist Jeff Paulick's screams sound a bit out of place during the group's more tuneful excursions.

Metallica songs like "Blackened," "Creeping Death" and most obviously "Whiplash" are the primary building blocks for this bay area band, which started as the side project of two members of the grindcore group Exhumed. Fortunately, Dekapitator don't just ape San Fransisco's finest; they expand upon the foundation with elements of crossover and German thrash.
Why they could:
The musicianship is tight enough to hold the songs together but loose enough to shudder like a runaway locomotive, and the dueling leads of Matt Hellfiend and D. Attacker keep the adrenaline flowing.
Why they couldn't:
They band's debut, The Storm Before the Calm (Relapse), is somewhat lacking in diversity.

This blatantly Christian band from Edmond, Oklahoma, plays mostly midpaced thrash that marries the melodic fretowrk of Metallica with the jagged punch of Pantera. Singer and guitarist Cory Boatright sounds so much like Metallica's James Getfiled that some jokesters have posted Eternal Decision songs online claiming they're new Metallica tracks.
Why they could:
Lead axman Tommy Torres is equally skilled at speedy runs and slower, bluesy string bends.
Why they couldn't:
Their lyrics are way peachy, and Boatright isn't always on key--kind of like Hetfield.
Trivium are a good band based on their own merits, not the hype surrounding them, they're all amazingly accomplished musicians for their age, and have acheived a great amount in such a short period of time, which bears a striking comparison to.... you guessed it : METALLICA!!!

I own "The Crusade" and while it's not one of the best albums ever made, i think it's Trivium's best so far, and goes a long way to showing that they've got what it takes to make it far more than some second rate wannabee cookie cutter metalcore band. They're not my favourite band in the world, and i actually find they're hardcore growls and emo choruses quite fucking annoying but at the end of the day they're trying to carve their own path out of about 4 different musical styles, and i say good luck to them.

They might be the best band in the world to metal n00bs, and i'm certainly not one of those, and i can honestly say that they don't deserve the shit they get handed on a daily basis over the internetz and elsewhere because they're just doing what they love and they actually are really good at it.

That said... Evile are better, and if i was in a famous band i would want to be regarded as the next MEGADETH hahahahahaha.

I concur!
It would be interesting to see in 20 years if we had a magazine saying "The next Evile?" :p
In my opinion Trivium has already started putting out shit albums. They should just stick to metalcore and not magically switch to thrash, something they claim to have pulled off and really haven't.
In my opinion Trivium has already started putting out shit albums. They should just stick to metalcore and not magically switch to thrash, something they claim to have pulled off and really haven't.

My foreskin is more thrash than trivium.

And everyone says Gantallica have returned to thrash too, which they haven't. Evile have done good, Gama Bomb, H.O.D, Warpath and Mutant have all done good. Gantallica and Trivium haven't. Because they're all wank.
I don't like the whole "Next *insert band name*" thing. It's an honor for someone to at least think that about Evile (Thankyou, Guitar World), but there is no way in hell there will be another Metal band with the impact or stature of Metallica.

How is someone 'the next Metallica'? when they step down are they going to pass over their skin to this new band to 'do an Ed Gein'? "congratulations you win Metallica's skin! you are the new Metallica".