Guitarist Martin Henriksson Talks about Album "Construct",U.S. Tour, & Band Pranks

What band would you like to see Dark Tranquillity Tour With?

  • The Haunted

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lamb Of God

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Disturbed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Inflames

    Votes: 7 87.5%

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Devin Devoor
Late September US tour: YES! I hope I'll be able to see them in Toronto, Montréal and more. Heck, maybe in Sweden in August :D. It'd be awesome with In Flames, like Mikael singing the old IF songs and viceversa.

I liked the interview, quite personal and fun! And the interviewer's laugh is funny :p .

Btw, Martin's pic is old, he doesn't have hair anymore haha.


I'd asked him if the mixed reviews/comments from WAtV somehow changed the creative process; if they were influenced by post rock for the new album; if he has heard the new Depeche Mode album; and what's the release his looking forward to the most this year.

I've got relatively high expectations about the new movie, I did like the previous one.

You mean Star Trek? I guess we're getting a bit off topic here ;)
Well, movies have never been the best part about ST (a few exeptions excluded) but I absolutely NOT liked the last one. I thought it was horrible but I'm going to watch the new one nevertheless. It can only get better I guess :lol:

At least "old" ST still lives on in the new books that are published :)
You mean Star Trek? I guess we're getting a bit off topic here ;)
Well, movies have never been the best part about ST (a few exeptions excluded) but I absolutely NOT liked the last one. I thought it was horrible but I'm going to watch the new one nevertheless. It can only get better I guess :lol:

At least "old" ST still lives on in the new books that are published :)

Of course! Unless there's a DT movie in the making (like In Flames O.o). Hey, we're the kings of derailing threads! So no worries about that.

I thought it was OK, at least it's enjoyable; I found it to be much better than the third Batman one (such a piece of rubbish). Not a perfect film for sure, horrible acting from the bad guy (see? Don't even remember him haha), but I had a good time watching it at the movie theatre. Plus, Sylar is in it so that's cool.
Of course! Unless there's a DT movie in the making (like In Flames O.o). Hey, we're the kings of derailing threads! So no worries about that.

In Flames is making a movie??? I'm literally one of the biggest IF fans and I would know that. Unless you were guessing that they are with the recent teaser posters they've been posting? They are indeed doing something or has done something secret, and since the last teaser poster had the Whoracle lady in it, it must be linked with the Whoracle album somehow.
In Flames is making a movie??? I'm literally one of the biggest IF fans and I would know that. Unless you were guessing that they are with the recent teaser posters they've been posting? They are indeed doing something or has done something secret, and since the last teaser poster had the Whoracle lady in it, it must be linked with the Whoracle album somehow.

Yeah I meant those posters; I thought that they mentioned "movie" at some point, but I'm probably wrong.
Yeah I meant those posters; I thought that they mentioned "movie" at some point, but I'm probably wrong.
Nah, just people who's been guessing it's a movie :) Might very well be a documentary of sorts, who knows. But it pisses me off when people thinks it's a new album, when would In Flames secretely have made an album while touring constantly...Some people are so stupid. New album is around 12-15 months away sadly.
Nah, just people who's been guessing it's a movie :) Might very well be a documentary of sorts, who knows. But it pisses me off when people thinks it's a new album, when would In Flames secretely have made an album while touring constantly...Some people are so stupid. New album is around 12-15 months away sadly.

Ahhhh OK; the posters do seem quite "theatrical" to be honest, but a documentary'd be great. Only "some" people? ;) And that soon? It feels like they released the previous one yesterday.