Guitarmegeddon! coworker's 15 yr old son entered the local Guitar Center's Guitarmegeddon contest and came in 2nd place, to a 50 yr old. He went on local radio and gave a shoutout to Viking Metal! woooo
That dude is certainly metal, short hair or not. I don't know why I've never gone to one of those drum-off or guitar thingies, goat knows with all the Guitar Centers near me I should've by now.

hahahaha IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER I just noticed them shitz.
Nate The Great said:
He's good but he needs to drop the guitar teacher. That's when he will become both good AND original.

I agree. I didn't start to develop my own style until I stopped taking lessons after 7 years... what you learn is important, but there usually isn't a lot of room for experimenting.