Guitars, Amps, etc... Gear Page?

Redeyes, how old is that Bogner ad? It has Dan Spitz on there as Anthrax instead of ex-Anthrax......just made me wonder. Any ideas for a closed back sound with an open back amp? My crunch sounds a little "muddy" but when I add more treble, the brittleness of the solid state circuitry starts to show itself and I back it down again. It works and sounds ok, it could sound better though ya know? Any ideas or can you point me to a site maybe?
woa i didnt notice spitz on that page, i guess we wont know until brent puts up a gear page.

I used to own a peavy bandit 80watter, they sound ok until you crank the volume. To be honest you are fighting a loosing battle with yours. I think you could get some 3/4" plywood and cut a piece to fit on the back... actually i did just that now that i remember. The other thing to do is get a new speaker(s) with less treble response. Im thinking old celestron designs.

I downloaded some clips of that Ubershall from Bogner, and wow... it sounds just like a hotrodded marshall. Too bad they cost like 2k just for the head.